>Number:         187683
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] Handbook section on bsdinstall is missing details of 
>ZFS feature added in 10.0
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Mar 17 23:50:00 UTC 2014
>Originator:     Allan Jude
>Release:        10.0-RELEASE
ScaleEngine Inc.
Update the bsdinstall handbook section to describe the automatic 'root-on-zfs' 
feature. Also add documentation for the 'shell' mode feature that was not 
documented before.

Includes many screenshots

Apply this patch

Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/Makefile
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/Makefile        (revision 44203)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/Makefile        (working copy)
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-final-confirmation.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-finalconfiguration.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-final-modification-shell.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-select-default.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-mainexit.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-netinstall-files.png
@@ -73,6 +74,14 @@
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-country.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-region.png
 IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-timezone-zone.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type.png
+IMAGES_EN+= bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning.png
 IMAGES_EN+= geom/striping.pic
 IMAGES_EN+= install/adduser1.scr
 IMAGES_EN+= install/adduser2.scr
Index: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml  (revision 44203)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml  (working copy)
@@ -54,6 +54,17 @@
+    <authorgroup>
+      <author>
+       <personname>
+         <firstname>Allan</firstname>
+         <surname>Jude</surname>
+       </personname>
+       <contrib>Updated for root-on-ZFS by </contrib>
+      </author>
+    </authorgroup>
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-synopsis">
@@ -159,7 +170,8 @@
          &intel;&nbsp;EM64T architecture.  Examples of these
          processors include the &intel;&nbsp;&core;&nbsp;2 Duo, Quad,
          Extreme processor families, the &intel;&nbsp;&xeon; 3000,
-         5000, and 7000 sequences of processors, and the
+         5000, and 7000 sequences of processors, the
+         &intel;&nbsp;&xeon; E3, E5 and E7 processors, and the
          &intel;&nbsp;&core; i3, i5 and i7 processors.</para>
        <para>If you have a machine based on an nVidia nForce3
@@ -1056,6 +1068,23 @@
            ISO-8859-1</guimenuitem> is also a safe option if the
          choice of keymap is not clear.</para>
+      <para>In &os; 10.0-RELEASE and later, this menu has been
+       enhanced.  The full selection of keymaps is shown, with the
+       default preselected.  In addition, when selecting a different
+       keymap, a dialog is displayed that allows the user to try
+       the keymap and ensure it is correct before proceeding.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-keymap-10">
+       <title>Enhanced Keymap Menu</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-hostname">
@@ -1213,16 +1242,19 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-partitioning">
     <title>Allocating Disk Space</title>
-    <para>There are three ways to allocate disk space for &os;.
+    <para>There are four ways to allocate disk space for &os;.
       <emphasis>Guided</emphasis> partitioning automatically sets up
       disk partitions, while <emphasis>Manual</emphasis> partitioning
-      allows advanced users to create customized partitions.  Finally,
+      allows advanced users to create customized partitions.  The
+      <acronym>ZFS</acronym> option, only available in &os; 10 and
+      later, will create an optionally encrypted root-on-ZFS system
+      with support for Boot Environments  Finally,
       there's the option of starting a shell where command-line
       programs like &man.gpart.8;, &man.fdisk.8;, and &man.bsdlabel.8;
       can be used directly.</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-guided-manual">
-      <title>Selecting Guided or Manual Partitioning</title>
+      <title>Selecting Guided, Manual or Shell Partitioning</title>
@@ -1232,6 +1264,18 @@
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu">
+       <title>Selecting Guided, Manual, Shell or
+         <acronym>ZFS</acronym> Partitioning</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-guided">
       <title>Guided Partitioning</title>
@@ -1427,7 +1471,7 @@
       <para>Another partition type worth noting is
        <literal>freebsd-zfs</literal>, used for partitions that will
-       contain a &os; ZFS filesystem.  See
+       contain a &os; <acronym>ZFS</acronym> filesystem.  See
        <xref linkend="filesystems-zfs"/>.  &man.gpart.8; shows more
        of the available <acronym>GPT</acronym> partition
@@ -1564,6 +1608,174 @@
        <guibutton>[&nbsp;Finish&nbsp;]</guibutton> to continue with
        the installation.</para>
+    <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-zfs">
+      <title>Root-on-ZFS Automatic Partitioning</title>
+      <para>Support for automatic creation of root-on-ZFS
+       installations was added in &os; 10.0-RELEASE.  This
+       partitioning mode only works with whole disks and will erase
+       the contents of the entire disk.  The installer will
+       automatically create partitions aligned to 4k boundries, as
+       well as force <acronym>ZFS</acronym> to use 4k sectors.  This
+       is safe even with 512 byte sector disks, and has the added
+       benefit of ensuring that pools created on 512 byte disks will
+       be able to have 4k sector disks added to them in the future,
+       for additional storage space, or as replacements for failed
+       disks.  The installer can also optionally employ <link
+         linkend="disks-encrypting-geli">GELI</link> disk encryption.
+       If encryption is enabled, a 2&nbsp;GB unencrypted boot pool is
+       created that contains the <filename>/boot</filename>
+       directory, which holds the kernel and other files necessary
+       to boot the system.  A swap partition of a user selectable
+       size is also created, and all remaining space is used for the
+       <acronym>ZFS</acronym> pool.</para>
+      <para>The main <acronym>ZFS</acronym> menu in the installer
+       offers a number of options to control the creation of the
+       pool.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-menu">
+       <title><acronym>ZFS</acronym> Partitioning Menu</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>The most important option is selecting the vdev type
+       and one or more disks that will make up the vdev that will
+       constitute the pool.  The automatic <acronym>ZFS</acronym>
+       installer currently only supports the creation of a single
+       top level vdev, except in stripe mode. To create more complex
+       pools, use <link
+       linkend="bsdinstall-part-shell">Shell Mode</link> to create
+       the pool.  The installer supports the creation of various
+       pool types, including stripe (not recommended, no redundnacy),
+       mirror (best performance, least usable space), and RAID-Z 1,
+       2, and 3 (with the capability to withstand the concurrent
+       failure of 1, 2, and 3 disks respectively).  A tooltip across
+       the bottom of the screen while selecting the pool type
+       provides advice about the number of required disks for each
+       type, and in the case of RAID-Z, the optimal number of disks
+       for each configuration.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type">
+       <title><acronym>ZFS</acronym> Pool Type</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>Once a pool type has been selected, a list of available
+       disks is displayed, and the user is prompted to select one or
+       more disks to make up the pool.  The configuration is then
+       validated, to ensure enough disks were selected.  If not,
+       select <guibutton>&lt;Change Selection&gt;</guibutton> to
+       return to the list of disks, or
+       <guibutton>&lt;Cancel&gt;</guibutton> to change the pool
+       type.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select">
+       <title>Disk Selection</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid">
+       <title>Invalid Selection</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>If one or more disks is missing from the list, or if disks
+       were attached after the installer was started, select
+       <guibutton>- Rescan Devices</guibutton> to repopulate the list
+       of available disks.  To ensure that the correct disk is
+       selected, so as not to accidently destroy the wrong disks, the
+       <guibutton>- Disk Info</guibutton> menu allows you to inspect
+       each disk, including its partition table, and various other
+       information, including the device model number and serial
+       number, if available.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info">
+       <title>Analysing a Disk</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>The menu also allows the user to enter a name for the
+       pool, disable forcing 4k sectors, enable or disable
+       encryption, switch between GPT (recommended) and MBR partition
+       table types, and select the desired amount of swap
+       space.  Once all options have been set to the desired values,
+       select the <guibutton>>>> Install</guibutton> option at the top of
+       the menu.</para>
+      <para>If &man.geli.8; disk encryption was enabled, the installer
+       will prompt for the passphrase to be used to encrypt the disks
+       twice.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password">
+       <title>Disk Encryption Password</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-geli_password"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>The installer then offers a last chance to cancel before
+       the contents of the selected drives are destroyed to create
+       the <acronym>ZFS</acronym> pool.</para>
+      <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-warning">
+       <title>Last Chance</title>
+       <mediaobject>
+         <imageobject>
+           <imagedata fileref="bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning"/>
+         </imageobject>
+       </mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>The installation then provides normally</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-shell">
+      <title>Shell Mode Partitioning</title>
+      <para>When creating advanced installations the basic interface
+       of bsdinstall may not provide the level of flexibility
+       required.  Selecting the <guibutton>Shell</guibutton> option
+       from the partitioning menu will drop the user to a shell.  The
+       user is expected to partition the drives and create the
+       desired file system(s), populate an &man.fstab.5; file in
+       <filename>/tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab</filename>, and mount the
+       file systems under <filename>/mnt</filename>.  Once this is
+       done, running <command>exit</command> will return to
+       bsdinstall and continue the installation, starting with the
+       extraction of the distribution sets.</para>
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-final-warning">
Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10.png        
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-keymap-10.png        
(working copy)

Property changes on: 
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info.png    
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info.png    
(working copy)

Property changes on: 
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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select.png  
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-disk_select.png  
(working copy)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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svn:mime-type = image/png
    (revision 0)
    (working copy)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu.png
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svn:mime-type = image/png
Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu.png 
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-menu.png 
(working copy)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu.png
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu.png     
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu.png     
(working copy)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
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--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid.png 
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_invalid.png 
(working copy)

Property changes on: 
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type.png
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type.png    
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-vdev_type.png    
(working copy)

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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning.png
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Index: head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning.png
--- head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning.png      
(revision 0)
+++ head/share/images/books/handbook/bsdinstall/bsdinstall-zfs-warning.png      
(working copy)

Property changes on: 
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property

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