
After talking to a few people, I've written up two new sections,
one is a huge cleanup of the security chapter and the second
adds a shell redirection section to the handbook.  Right now
I'm seeking some comments and suggestions here.  Want to
commit sometime this week.  Cheers,

Tom Rhodes

Index: handbook/basics/chapter.xml
--- handbook/basics/chapter.xml (revision 43727)
+++ handbook/basics/chapter.xml (working copy)
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@
-       <para>&man.pw.8; is a command line utility to create, remove,
+       <para>The &man.pw.8; command line utility can create, remove,
          modify, and display users and groups.  It functions as a
          front end to the system user and group files.  &man.pw.8;
          has a very powerful set of command line options that make it
@@ -3432,6 +3432,79 @@
        <para>Then, rerun &man.chsh.1;.</para>
+    <sect2>
+      <info>
+       <title>Advanced Shell Techniques</title>
+       <authorgroup>
+         <author>
+           <personname>
+             <firstname>Tom</firstname>
+             <surname>Rhodes</surname>
+           </personname>
+           <contrib>Written by </contrib>
+         </author>
+       </authorgroup>
+      </info>
+      <para>The &unix; shell is not just a command interpreter, it
+       acts as a powerful tool which allows users to execute commands,
+       redirect their output, redirect their input and chain commands
+       together to improve the final command output.  When this functionality
+       is mixed with built in commands, the user is provided with
+       an environment that can maximize efficiency.</para>
+      <para>Shell redirection is the action of sending the output
+       or the input of a command into another command or into a
+       file.  To capture the output of the &man.ls.1; command, for
+       example, into a file, simply redirect the output:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ls &gt; 
+      <para>The <filename>directory_listing.txt</filename> file will
+       now contain the directory contents.  Some commands allow you
+       to read input in a similar one, such as &man.sort.1;.  To sort
+       this listing, redirect the input:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>sort &lt; 
+      <para>The input will be sorted and placed on the screen.  To
+       redirect that input into another file, one could redirect
+       the output of &man.sort.1; by mixing the direction:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>sort &lt; directory_listing.txt &gt; 
+      <para>In all of the previous examples, the commands are performing
+       redirection using file descriptors.  Every unix system has file
+       descriptors; however, here we will focus on three, so named as
+       Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error.  Each one
+       has a purpose, where input could be a keyboard or a mouse,
+       something that provides input.  Output could be a screen or
+       paper in a printer for example.  And error would be anything
+       that is used for diagnostic or error messages.  All three
+       are considered <acronym>I/O</acronym> based file descriptors
+       and sometimes considered streams.</para>
+     <para>Through the use of these descriptors, short named
+       stdin, stdout, and stderr, the shell allows output and
+       input to be passed around through various commands and
+       redirected to or from a file.  Another method of redirection
+       is the pipe operator.</para>
+      <para>The &unix; pipe operator, <quote>|</quote> allows the
+       output of one command to be directly passed, or directed
+       to another program.  Basically a pipe will allow the
+       standard output of a command to be passed as standard
+       input to another command, for example:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>du -h | less</userinput></screen>
+      <para>In that example, the &man.du.1; command will direct the
+       output to the &man.less.1; command.  This allows the user
+       to scroll through the output at their own pace and prevent
+       it from scrolling off the screen.</para>
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 xml:id="editors">
Index: handbook/security/chapter.xml
--- handbook/security/chapter.xml       (revision 43727)
+++ handbook/security/chapter.xml       (working copy)
@@ -7,8 +7,13 @@
 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"; 
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; version="5.0" xml:id="security">
 of this chapter has been taken from the
-         security(7) manual page by </contrib></author>
+      <author>
+       <personname>
+         <firstname>Tom</firstname>
+         <surname>Rhodes</surname>
+       </personname>
+       <contrib>Rewritten by </contrib>
+      </author>
@@ -19,17 +24,17 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="security-synopsis">
-    <para>This chapter provides a basic introduction to system
-      security concepts, some general good rules of thumb, and some
-      advanced topics under &os;.  Many of the topics covered here
-      can be applied to system and Internet security in general.
-      Securing a system is imperative to protect data, intellectual
-      property, time, and much more from the hands of hackers and the
-      like.</para>
+    <para>Security, whether physical or virtual, is a topic
+      so broad that an entire industry has grown up around it.
+      Hundreds of standard practices have been authored about
+      how to secure systems and networks, and as a user of &os;,
+      understanding how to protect against attacks and intruders
+      is a must.</para>
-    <para>&os; provides an array of utilities and mechanisms to
-      protect the integrity and security of the system and
-      network.</para>
+    <para>In this chapter, several fundamentals and techniques will
+      be discussed.  The &os; system comes with multiple layers of
+      security, and many more third party utilities may be added to
+      enhance security.</para>
     <para>After reading this chapter, you will know:</para>
@@ -108,758 +113,202 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="security-intro">
-    <para>Security is a function that begins and ends with the system
-      administrator.  While &os; provides some inherent security, the
-      job of configuring and maintaining additional security
-      mechanisms is probably one of the single largest undertakings of
-      the sysadmin.</para>
+    <para>Security is everyone's responsibility.  A weak entry point
+      in any system could allow intruders to gain access to critical
+      information and cause havoc on an entire network.  In most
+      security training, they discuss the security triad
+      <acronym>CIA</acronym> which stands for the confidentiality,
+      integrity, and availability of information systems.</para>
-    <para>System security also pertains to dealing with various forms
-      of attack, including attacks that attempt to crash, or otherwise
-      make a system unusable, but do not attempt to compromise the
-      <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> account.  Security 
concerns can be
-      split up into several categories:</para>
+    <para>The <acronym>CIA</acronym> triad is a bedrock concept of
+      computer security, customers and end users expect privacy
+      of their data; they expect orders they place to not be changed
+      or their information altered behind the scenes, and they expect
+      access to information at all times.  Together they make up the
+      confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the
+      system.</para>
-    <orderedlist>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Denial of service attacks.</para>
-      </listitem>
+    <para>To protect <acronym>CIA</acronym>, security professionals
+      apply a defense in depth strategy.  The idea of defense in
+      depth is to add several layers of security to prevent one single
+      layer failing and the entire security system collapsing.  A
+      systems administrator cannot simply turn on a firewall and
+      consider the network or system secure, they must audit accounts,
+      check the integrity of binaries, and ensure malicious tools are
+      not installed.  To do this, they must understand what the
+      threats are.</para>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>User account compromises.</para>
-      </listitem>
+    <sect2 xml:id="security-threats">
+      <title>Threats</title>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Root compromise through accessible services.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <para>What is a threat as pertaining to computer security?  For
+       years it was assumed that threats are remote attackers, people
+       whom will attempt to access the system without permission, from
+       a remote location.  In today's world, this definition has been
+       expanded to include employees, malicious software, rogue
+       network devices, natural disasters, security vulnerabilities,
+       and even competing corporations.</para>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Root compromise via user accounts.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <para>Every day thousands of systems and networks are attacked and
+       several hundred are accessed without permission.  Sometimes
+       by simple accident, others by remote attackers, and in some
+       cases, corporate espionage or former employees.  As a system
+       user, it is important to prepare for and admit when a mistake
+       has lead to a security breach and report possible issues to
+       the security team.  As an administrator, it is important to
+       know of the threats and be prepared to mitigate them.</para>
+      </sect2>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Backdoor creation.</para>
-      </listitem>
-    </orderedlist>
+    <sect2 xml:id="security-groundup">
+      <title>A Ground Up Approach</title>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>DoS attacks</primary>
-      <see>Denial of Service (DoS)</see>
-    </indexterm>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>security</primary>
-      <secondary>DoS attacks</secondary>
-      <see>Denial of Service (DoS)</see>
-    </indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>Denial of Service (DoS)</primary></indexterm>
+      <para>In security, it is sometimes best to take a ground up
+       approach, whereas the administrator begins with the basic
+       accounts, system configuration, and then begins to work with
+       third party utilities and work up to the network layer.  It
+       is in these latter configuration aspects that system policy
+       and procedures should take place.</para>
-    <para>A Denial of Service <acronym>DoS</acronym> attack is an
-      action that deprives the machine of needed resources.
-      Typically, <acronym>DoS</acronym> attacks are brute-force
-      mechanisms that attempt to crash or otherwise make a machine
-      unusable by overwhelming its services or network stack.  Attacks
-      on servers can often be fixed by properly specifying options to
-      limit the load the servers incur on the system under adverse
-      conditions.  Brute-force network attacks are harder to deal
-      with.  This type of attack may not be able to take the machine
-      down, but it can saturate the Internet connection.</para>
+      <para>Many places of business already have a security policy that
+       covers the configuration technology devices in use.  They
+       should contain, at minimal, the security configuration of end
+       user workstations and desktops, mobile devices such as phones
+       and laptops, and both production and development servers.  In
+       many cases, when applying computer security, standard operating
+       procedures (<acronym>SOP</acronym>s) already exist.  When in
+       doubt, ask the security team.</para>
+    </sect2>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>security</primary>
-      <secondary>account compromises</secondary>
-    </indexterm>
+    <sect2 xml:id="security-accounts">
+      <title>System and User Accounts</title>
-    <para>A user account compromise is more common than a
-      <acronym>DoS</acronym> attack.  Many sysadmins still run
-      unencrypted services, meaning that users logging into the
-      system from a remote location are vulnerable to having their
-      password sniffed.  The attentive sysadmin analyzes the remote
-      access logs looking for suspicious source addresses and
-      suspicious logins.</para>
+      <para>In securing a system, the best starting point is auditing
+       accounts.  Ensure that the root account has a strong password,
+       disable accounts that do not need shell access, for users who
+       need to augment their privileges, install the
+       <package>security/sudo</package> and only allow them access
+       to applications they need.  The root user password should
+       never be shared.</para>
-    <para>In a well secured and maintained system, access to a user
-      account does not necessarily give the attacker access to
-      <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>.  Without <systemitem 
-      access, the attacker cannot generally hide his tracks and may,
-      at best, be able to do nothing more than mess with the user's
-      files or crash the machine.  User account compromises are common
-      because users tend not to take the precautions that sysadmins
-      take.</para>
+      <para>To deny access to accounts, two methods exist.  The first
+       one is to lock an account, for example, to lock the toor
+       account:</para>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>security</primary>
-      <secondary>backdoors</secondary>
-    </indexterm>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pw lock toor</userinput></screen>
-    <para>There are potentially many ways to break
-      <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>:  the attacker may know 
-      <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> password, the attacker 
may exploit a
-      bug in a service which runs as <systemitem 
class="username">root</systemitem>, or the
-      attacker may know of a bug in a SUID-root program.  An attacker
-      may utilize a program known as a backdoor to search for
-      vulnerable systems, take advantage of unpatched exploits to
-      access a system, and hide traces of illegal activity.</para>
+      <para>This command will change the account from this
+       <quote>toor:*:0:0::0:0:Bourne-again Superuser:/root:</quote>
+       to <quote>toor:*LOCKED**:0:0::0:0:Bourne-again
+       Superuser:/root:</quote></para>
-    <para>Security remedies should always be implemented with a
-      multi-layered <quote>onion peel</quote> approach and can be
-      categorized as follows:</para>
+      <para>In some cases, this is not possible, perhaps because of
+       an additional service.  In those cases, login access
+       could be prevented by changing the shell to /sbin/nologin
+       like in this example:</para>
-    <orderedlist>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Secure <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> and staff
-         accounts.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin 
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Secure <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>&ndash;run 
-         and SUID/SGID binaries.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <note>
+        <para>Only super users are able to change the shell for
+         other users.  Attempting to perform this as a regular user
+         will fail.</para>
+      </note>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Secure user accounts.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <para>The account structure will now look like this, with
+       the <quote>nologin</quote> shell as the last entry:</para>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Secure the password file.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <programlisting>toor:*:0:0::0:0:Bourne-again 
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Secure the kernel core, raw devices, and
-         filesystems.</para>
-      </listitem>
+      <para>The <filename>/usr/sbin/nologin</filename> shell will block
+       the &man.login.1; command from assigning a shell to this
+       user.</para>
+      </sect2>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Quick detection of inappropriate changes made to the
-         system.</para>
-      </listitem>
+    <sect2 xml:id="security-sudo">
+      <title>Permitted Account Escalation</title>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>Paranoia.</para>
-      </listitem>
-    </orderedlist>
+      <para>In some cases, system administration access needs to
+       be shared with other users.  &os; has two methods to
+       handle this.  The first one, which is not recommended,
+       is a shared root password and adding users to the
+       <systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem> group.
+       To achieve this, edit the <filename>/etc/group</filename>
+       and add the user to the end of the first group.  This
+       user must be separated by a comma character.</para>
-    <para>The next section covers these items in greater depth.</para>
-  </sect1>
+      <para>The correct way to permit this privilege escalation is
+       using the <package>security/sudo</package> port which will
+       provide additional auditing, more fine grained user
+       control, and even lock users into running only single,
+       privileged commands such as &man.service.8;</para>
-  <sect1 xml:id="securing-freebsd">
-    <title>Securing &os;</title>
+      <para>After installation, edit the
+       <filename>/usr/local/etc/sudoers</filename> file by using
+       the <command>visudo</command> interface.  In this example,
+       a new webadmin group will be added, the user
+       <systemitem class="username">trhodes</systemitem> to that
+       group, and then give the user
+       access to restart <package>apache24</package>, the following
+       procedure may be followed:</para>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>security</primary>
-      <secondary>securing &os;</secondary>
-    </indexterm>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pw groupadd webadmin -M trhodes -g 
-    <para>This section describes methods for securing a &os; system
-      against the attacks that were mentioned in the <link 
linkend="security-intro">previous section</link>.</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>visudo</userinput></screen>
-    <sect2 xml:id="securing-root-and-staff">
-      <title>Securing the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 
+      <programlisting>%webadmin ALL=(ALL) /usr/sbin/service apache24 
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary>&man.su.1;</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>Most
-       systems have a password assigned to the
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> account.  Assume that 
this password
-       is <emphasis>always</emphasis> at risk of being compromised.
-       This does not mean that the password should be disabled as the
-       password is almost always necessary for console access to the
-       machine.  However, it should not be possible to use this
-       password outside of the console or possibly even with
-       &man.su.1;.  For example, setting the entries in
-       <filename>/etc/ttys</filename> to <literal>insecure</literal>
-       prevents <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> logins to the 
-       terminals.  In &os;, <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 
logins using
-       &man.ssh.1; are disabled by default as
-       <literal>PermitRootLogin</literal> is set to
-       <literal>no</literal> in
-       <filename>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</filename>.  Consider every
-       access method as services such as FTP often fall through the
-       cracks.  Direct <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> logins 
should only
-       be allowed via the system console.</para>
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary><systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem></primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>Since a sysadmin needs access to
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>, additional password 
-       should be configured.  One method is to add appropriate user
-       accounts to <systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem> in
-       <filename>/etc/group</filename>.  Members of
-       <systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem> are allowed to 
&man.su.1; to
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>.  Only those users who 
actually need
-       to have <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> access should be 
placed in
-       <systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem>.  When using Kerberos 
-       authentication, create a <filename>.k5login</filename> in
-       the home directory of <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> to 
-       &man.ksu.1; to be used without having to place anyone in
-       <systemitem class="groupname">wheel</systemitem>.</para>
-      <para>To lock an account completely, use &man.pw.8;:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pw lock staff</userinput></screen>
-      <para>This will prevent the specified user from logging in using
-       any mechanism, including &man.ssh.1;.</para>
-      <para>Another method of blocking access to accounts would be to
-       replace the encrypted password with a single
-       <quote><literal>*</literal></quote> character.  This character
-       would never match the encrypted password and thus blocks user
-       access.  For example, the entry for the following
-       account:</para>
-      <programlisting>foobar:R9DT/Fa1/LV9U:1000:1000::0:0:Foo 
-      <para>could be changed to this using &man.vipw.8;:</para>
-      <programlisting>foobar:*:1000:1000::0:0:Foo 
-      <para>This prevents <systemitem class="username">foobar</systemitem> 
from logging in
-       using conventional methods.  This method for access
-       restriction is flawed on sites using
-       <application>Kerberos</application> or in situations where the
-       user has set up keys with &man.ssh.1;.</para>
-      <para>These security mechanisms assume that users are logging
-       in from a more restrictive server to a less restrictive
-       server.  For example, if the server is running network
-       services, the workstation should not be running any.  In
-       order for a workstation to be reasonably secure, run zero or
-       as few services as possible and run a password-protected
-       screensaver.  Of course, given physical access to any system,
-       an attacker can break any sort of security.  Fortunately,
-       many break-ins occur remotely, over a network, from people who
-       do not have physical access to the system.</para>
-      <para>Using Kerberos provides the ability to disable or change
-       the password for a user in one place, and have it immediately
-       affect all the machines on which the user has an account.  If
-       an account is compromised, the ability to instantly change the
-       associated password on all machines should not be underrated.
-       Additional restrictions can be imposed with Kerberos:  a
-       Kerberos ticket can be configured to timeout and the Kerberos
-       system can require that the user choose a new password after a
-       configurable period of time.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Securing Root-run Servers and SUID/SGID Binaries</title>
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary>sandboxes</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary>&man.sshd.8;</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>The prudent sysadmin only enables required services and is
-       aware that third party servers are often the most bug-prone.
-       Never run a server that has not been checked out carefully.
-       Think twice before running any service as
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> as many daemons can be 
run as a
-       separate service account or can be started in a
-       <firstterm>sandbox</firstterm>.  Do not activate insecure
-       services such as &man.telnetd.8; or &man.rlogind.8;.</para>
-      <para>Another potential security hole is SUID-root and SGID
-       binaries.  Most of these binaries, such as &man.rlogin.1;,
-       reside in <filename>/bin</filename>,
-       <filename>/sbin</filename>, <filename>/usr/bin</filename>, or 
<filename>/usr/sbin</filename>.  While nothing is
-       100% safe, the system-default SUID and SGID binaries can be
-       considered reasonably safe.  It is recommended to restrict
-       SUID binaries to a special group that only staff can access,
-       and to delete any unused SUID binaries.  SGID binaries can be
-       almost as dangerous.  If an intruder can break an SGID-kmem
-       binary, the intruder might be able to read
-       <filename>/dev/kmem</filename> and thus read the encrypted
-       password file, potentially compromising user accounts.
-       Alternatively, an intruder who breaks group
-       <literal>kmem</literal> can monitor keystrokes sent through
-       ptys, including ptys used by users who login through secure
-       methods.  An intruder that breaks the
-       <systemitem class="groupname">tty</systemitem> group can write to 
almost any
-       user's tty.  If a user is running a terminal program or
-       emulator with a keyboard-simulation feature, the intruder can
-       potentially generate a data stream that causes the user's
-       terminal to echo a command, which is then run as that
-       user.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="secure-users">
-      <title>Securing User Accounts</title>
-      <para>User accounts are usually the most difficult to secure.
-       Be vigilant in the monitoring of user accounts.  Use of
-       &man.ssh.1; and Kerberos for user accounts requires extra
-       administration and technical support, but provides a good
-       solution compared to an encrypted password file.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Securing the Password File</title>
-      <para>The only sure fire way is to star out as many passwords as
-       possible and use &man.ssh.1; or Kerberos for access to those
-       accounts.  Even though the encrypted password file
-       (<filename>/etc/spwd.db</filename>) can only be read by
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>, it may be possible for 
an intruder
-       to obtain read access to that file even if the attacker cannot
-       obtain root-write access.</para>
-      <para>Security scripts should be used to check for and report
-       changes to the password file as described in the <link 
linkend="security-integrity">Checking file integrity</link>
+      <para>The <package>security/sudo</package> provides an
+       invaluable resource when it comes to local user management.
+       It is also possible to not require passwords and just default
+       to the &man.ssh.1; key method.  To disable password login
+       via &man.sshd.8; and only use local passwords for
+       <command>sudo</command>, see the <xref linkend="openssh"/>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Securing the Kernel Core, Raw Devices, and
-       Filesystems</title>
+    <sect2 xml:id="security-passwords">
+      <title>Passwords</title>
-      <para>Most modern kernels have a packet sniffing device driver
-       built in.  Under &os; it is called
-       <filename>bpf</filename>.  This device is needed for DHCP,
-       but can be removed in the custom kernel configuration file of
-       systems that do not provide or use DHCP.</para>
+      <para>Passwords are a necessary evil of the past.  In the cases
+       they must be used, not only should the password be extremely
+       complex, but also use a powerful hash mechanism to protect it.
+       At the time of this writing, &os; supports
+       <acronym>DES</acronym>, <acronym>MD</acronym>5, Blowfish,
+       <acronym>SHA</acronym>256, and <acronym>SHA</acronym>512 in
+       the <function>crypt()</function> library.  The default is
+       <acronym>SHA</acronym>512 and should not be changed backwards;
+       however, some users like to use the Blowfish option.  Each
+       mechanism, aside from <acronym>DES</acronym>, has a unique
+       beginning to designate the hash mechanism assigned.  For the
+       <acronym>MD</acronym>5 mechanism, the symbol is a
+       <quote>$</quote> sign.  For the <acronym>SHA</acronym>256 or
+       <acronym>SHA</acronym>512, the symbol is <quote>$6$</quote>
+       and Blowfish uses <quote>$2a$</quote>.  Any weaker passwords
+       should be re-hashed by asking the user to run &man.passwd.1;
+       during their next login.</para>
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary>&man.sysctl.8;</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>Even if <filename>bpf</filename> is disabled,
-       <filename>/dev/mem</filename> and
-       <filename>/dev/kmem</filename> are still problematic.  An
-       intruder can still write to raw disk devices.  An enterprising
-       intruder can use &man.kldload.8; to install his own
-       <filename>bpf</filename>, or another sniffing device, on a
-       running kernel.  To avoid these problems, run the kernel at a
-       higher security level, at least security level 1.</para>
-      <para>The security level of the kernel can be set in a variety
-       of ways.  The simplest way of raising the security level of a
-       running kernel is to set
-       <varname>kern.securelevel</varname>:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl 
-      <para>By default, the &os; kernel boots with a security level of
-       -1.  This is called <quote>insecure mode</quote> because
-       immutable file flags may be turned off and all devices may be
-       read from or written to.  The security level will remain at -1
-       unless it is altered, either by the administrator or by
-       &man.init.8;, because of a setting in the startup scripts.
-       The security level may be raised during system startup by
-       setting
-       <varname>kern_securelevel_enable</varname> to
-       <literal>YES</literal> in <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>,
-       and the value of <varname>kern_securelevel</varname> to the
-       desired security level.</para>
-      <para>Once the security level is set to 1 or a higher value, the
-       append-only and immutable files are honored, they cannot be
-       turned off, and access to raw devices is denied.  Higher
-       levels restrict even more operations.  For a full description
-       of the effect of various security levels, refer to
-       &man.security.7; and &man.init.8;.</para>
-       <para>Bumping the security level to 1 or higher may cause a
-         few problems to <application>&xorg;</application>, as access
-         to <filename>/dev/io</filename> will be blocked, or to the
-         installation of &os; built from source as
-         <buildtarget>installworld</buildtarget> needs to temporarily
-         reset the append-only and immutable flags of some files.
-         In the case of <application>&xorg;</application>, it may be
-         possible to work around this by starting &man.xdm.1; early
-         in the boot process, when the security level is still low
-         enough.  Workarounds may not be possible for all secure
-         levels or for all the potential restrictions they enforce.
-         A bit of forward planning is a good idea.  Understanding the
-         restrictions imposed by each security level is important as
-         they severely diminish the ease of system use.  It will also
-         make choosing a default setting much simpler and prevent any
-         surprises.</para>
+       <para>At the time of this writing, blowfish is not part of
+         <acronym>AES</acronym> nor is it considered compliant
+         with any <acronym>FIPS</acronym> (Federal Information
+         Processing Standards) standard and it's use may not be
+         permitted in some environments.</para>
-      <para>If the kernel's security level is raised to 1 or a higher
-       value, it may be useful to set the <literal>schg</literal>
-       flag on critical startup binaries, directories, script files,
-       and  everything that gets run up to the point where the
-       security level is set.  A less strict compromise is to run
-       the system at a higher security level but skip setting the
-       <literal>schg</literal> flag.  Another possibility is to
-       mount <filename>/</filename> and <filename>/usr</filename> read-only.  
It should be
-       noted that being too draconian about what is permitted may
-       prevent detection of an intrusion.</para>
+      <para>For any system connected to the network, two factor
+       authentication should be used.  This is normally considered
+       something you have and something you know.  With
+       <application>OpenSSH</application> being part of the &os;
+       base system and the use of ssh-keys being available for some
+       time, all network logins should avoid the use of passwords in
+       exchange for this two factor authentication method.  For
+       more information see the <xref linkend="openssh"/> section of
+       the handbook.  Kerberose users may need to make additional
+       changes to implement <application>OpenSSH</application> in
+       their network.</para>
-    <sect2 xml:id="security-integrity">
-      <title>Checking File Integrity</title>
-      <para>One can only protect the core system configuration and
-       control files so much before the convenience factor rears its
-       ugly head.  For example, using &man.chflags.1; to set the
-       <literal>schg</literal> bit on most of the files in 
<filename>/</filename> and <filename>/usr</filename> is probably
-       counterproductive, because while it may protect the files, it
-       also closes an intrusion detection window.  Security measures
-       are useless or, worse, present a false sense of security, if
-       potential intrusions cannot be detected.  Half the job of
-       security is to slow down, not stop, an attacker, in order to
-       catch him in the act.</para>
-      <para>The best way to detect an intrusion is to look for
-       modified, missing, or unexpected files.  The best way to look
-       for modified files is from another, often centralized,
-       limited-access system.  Writing security scripts on the
-       extra-security limited-access system makes them mostly
-       invisible to potential attackers.  In order to take maximum
-       advantage, the limited-access box needs significant access to
-       the other machines, usually either through a read-only
-       <acronym>NFS</acronym> export or by setting up
-       &man.ssh.1; key-pairs.  Except for its network traffic,
-       <acronym>NFS</acronym> is the least visible method, allowing
-       the administrator to monitor the filesystems on each client
-       box virtually undetected.  If a limited-access server is
-       connected to the client boxes through a switch, the
-       <acronym>NFS</acronym> method is often the better choice.  If
-       a limited-access server is connected to the client boxes
-       through several layers of routing, the <acronym>NFS</acronym>
-       method may be too insecure and &man.ssh.1; may be the better
-       choice.</para>
-      <para>Once a limited-access box has been given at least read
-       access to the client systems it is supposed to monitor, create
-       the monitoring scripts.  Given an <acronym>NFS</acronym>
-       mount, write scripts out of simple system utilities such as
-       &man.find.1; and &man.md5.1;.  It is best to physically
-       &man.md5.1; the client system's files at least once a day, and
-       to test control files such as those found in <filename>/etc</filename> 
and <filename>/usr/local/etc</filename> even more often.
-       When mismatches are found, relative to the base md5
-       information the limited-access machine knows is valid, it
-       should alert the sysadmin.  A good security script will also
-       check for inappropriate SUID binaries and for new or deleted
-       files on system partitions such as <filename>/</filename> and 
-      <para>When using &man.ssh.1; rather than <acronym>NFS</acronym>,
-       writing the security script is more difficult.  For example,
-       &man.scp.1; is needed to send the scripts to the client box in
-       order to run them.  The &man.ssh.1; client on the client box
-       may already be compromised.  Using &man.ssh.1; may be
-       necessary when running over insecure links, but it is harder
-       to deal with.</para>
-      <para>A good security script will also check for changes to
-       hidden configuration files, such as
-       <filename>.rhosts</filename> and
-       <filename>.ssh/authorized_keys</filename>, as these files
-       might fall outside the purview of the
-       <literal>MD5</literal> check.</para>
-      <para>For a large amount of user disk space, it may take too
-       long to run through every file on those partitions.  In this
-       case, consider setting mount flags to disallow SUID binaries
-       by using <literal>nosuid</literal> with &man.mount.8;.  Scan
-       these partitions at least once a week, since the objective is
-       to detect a break-in attempt, whether or not the attempt
-       succeeds.</para>
-      <para>Process accounting (see &man.accton.8;) is a relatively
-       low-overhead feature of &os; which might help as a
-       post-break-in evaluation mechanism.  It is especially useful
-       in tracking down how an intruder broke into a system, assuming
-       the file is still intact after the break-in has
-       occurred.</para>
-      <para>Finally, security scripts should process the log files,
-       and the logs themselves should be generated in as secure a
-       manner as possible and sent to a remote syslog server.  An
-       intruder will try to cover his tracks, and log files are
-       critical to the sysadmin trying to track down the time and
-       method of the initial break-in.  One way to keep a permanent
-       record of the log files is to run the system console to a
-       serial port and collect the information to a secure machine
-       monitoring the consoles.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Paranoia</title>
-      <para>A little paranoia never hurts.  As a rule, a sysadmin can
-       add any number of security features which do not affect
-       convenience and can add security features that
-       <emphasis>do</emphasis> affect convenience with some added
-       thought.  More importantly, a security administrator should
-       mix it up a bit.  If recommendations, such as those mentioned
-       in this section, are applied verbatim, those methodologies are
-       given to the prospective attacker who also has access to this
-       document.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Denial of Service Attacks</title>
-      <indexterm>
-       <primary>Denial of Service (DoS)</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>A <acronym>DoS</acronym> attack is typically a packet
-       attack.  While there is not much one can do about spoofed
-       packet attacks that saturate a network, one can generally
-       limit the damage by ensuring that the attack cannot take down
-       servers by:</para>
-      <orderedlist>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>Limiting server forks.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>Limiting springboard attacks such as ICMP response
-           attacks and ping broadcasts.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>Overloading the kernel route cache.</para>
-       </listitem>
-      </orderedlist>
-      <para>A common <acronym>DoS</acronym> attack scenario is to
-       force a forking server to spawn so many child processes that
-       the host system eventually runs out of memory and file
-       descriptors, and then grinds to a halt.  There are several
-       options to &man.inetd.8; to limit this sort of attack.  It
-       should be noted that while it is possible to prevent a machine
-       from going down, it is not generally possible to prevent a
-       service from being disrupted by the attack.  Read
-       &man.inetd.8; carefully and pay specific attention to
-       <option>-c</option>, <option>-C</option>, and
-       <option>-R</option>.  Spoofed IP attacks will circumvent
-       <option>-C</option> to &man.inetd.8;, so typically a
-       combination of options must be used.  Some standalone servers
-       have self-fork-limitation parameters.</para>
-      <para><application>Sendmail</application> provides
-       <option>-OMaxDaemonChildren</option>, which tends to work
-       better than trying to use
-       <application>Sendmail</application>'s load limiting options
-       due to the load lag.  Specify a
-       <literal>MaxDaemonChildren</literal> when starting
-       <application>Sendmail</application> which is high enough to
-       handle the expected load, but not so high that the computer
-       cannot handle that number of
-       <application>Sendmail</application> instances.  It is prudent
-       to run <application>Sendmail</application> in queued mode
-       using <option>-ODeliveryMode=queued</option> and to run the
-       daemon (<command>sendmail -bd</command>) separate from the
-       queue-runs (<command>sendmail -q15m</command>).  For
-       real-time delivery, run the queue at a much lower interval,
-       such as <option>-q1m</option>, but be sure to specify a
-       reasonable <literal>MaxDaemonChildren</literal> to prevent
-       cascade failures.</para>
-      <para>&man.syslogd.8; can be attacked directly and it is
-       strongly recommended to use
-       <option>-s</option> whenever possible, and
-       <option>-a</option> otherwise.</para>
-      <para>Be careful with connect-back services such as
-       reverse-identd, which can be attacked directly.  The
-       reverse-ident feature of
-       <application>TCP Wrappers</application> is not recommended for
-       this reason.</para>
-      <para>It is recommended to protect internal services from
-       external access by firewalling them at the border routers.
-       This is to prevent saturation attacks from outside the LAN,
-       not so much to protect internal services from network-based
-       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> compromise.  Always 
configure an
-       exclusive firewall which denies everything by default except
-       for traffic which is explicitly allowed.  The range of port
-       numbers used for dynamic binding in &os; is controlled by
-       several <varname>net.inet.ip.portrange</varname>
-       &man.sysctl.8; variables.</para>
-      <para>Another common <acronym>DoS</acronym> attack, called a
-       springboard attack, causes the server to generate responses
-       which overloads the server, the local network, or some other
-       machine.  The most common attack of this nature is the
-       <emphasis>ICMP ping broadcast attack</emphasis>.  The attacker
-       spoofs ping packets sent to the LAN's broadcast address with
-       the source IP address set to the machine to attack.  If the
-       border routers are not configured to drop ping packets sent to
-       broadcast addresses, the LAN generates sufficient responses to
-       the spoofed source address to saturate the victim, especially
-       when the attack is against several dozen broadcast addresses
-       over several dozen different networks at once.  A second
-       common springboard attack constructs packets that generate
-       ICMP error responses which can saturate a server's incoming
-       network and cause the server to saturate its outgoing network
-       with ICMP responses.  This type of attack can crash the
-       server by running it out of memory, especially if the server
-       cannot drain the ICMP responses it generates fast enough.  Use
-       the &man.sysctl.8; variable
-       <literal>net.inet.icmp.icmplim</literal> to limit these
-       attacks.  The last major class of springboard attacks is
-       related to certain internal &man.inetd.8; services such as the
-       UDP echo service.  An attacker spoofs a UDP packet with a
-       source address of server A's echo port and a destination
-       address of server B's echo port, where server A and B on the
-       same LAN.  The two servers bounce this one packet back and
-       forth between each other.  The attacker can overload both
-       servers and the LAN by injecting a few packets in this manner.
-       Similar problems exist with the
-       <application>chargen</application> port.  These inetd-internal
-       test services should remain disabled.</para>
-      <para>Spoofed packet attacks may be used to overload the kernel
-       route cache.  Refer to the
-       <varname>net.inet.ip.rtexpire</varname>,
-       <varname>rtminexpire</varname>, and
-       <varname>rtmaxcache</varname> &man.sysctl.8; parameters.  A
-       spoofed packet attack that uses a random source IP will cause
-       the kernel to generate a temporary cached route in the route
-       table, viewable with <command>netstat -rna | fgrep
-         W3</command>.  These routes typically timeout in 1600
-       seconds or so.  If the kernel detects that the cached route
-       table has gotten too big, it will dynamically reduce the
-       <varname>rtexpire</varname> but will never decrease it to less
-       than <varname>rtminexpire</varname>.  This creates two
-       problems:</para>
-      <orderedlist>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>The kernel does not react quickly enough when a
-           lightly loaded server is suddenly attacked.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>The <varname>rtminexpire</varname> is not low enough
-           for the kernel to survive a sustained attack.</para>
-       </listitem>
-      </orderedlist>
-      <para>If the servers are connected to the Internet via a T3 or
-       better, it may be prudent to manually override both
-       <varname>rtexpire</varname> and <varname>rtminexpire</varname>
-       via &man.sysctl.8;.  Never set either parameter to zero
-       as this could crash the machine.  Setting both parameters to 2
-       seconds should be sufficient to protect the route table from
-       attack.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Access Issues with Kerberos and &man.ssh.1;</title>
-      <indexterm><primary>&man.ssh.1;</primary></indexterm>
-      <para>There are a few issues with both Kerberos and &man.ssh.1;
-       that need to be addressed if they are used.  Kerberos is an
-       excellent authentication protocol, but there are bugs in the
-       kerberized versions of &man.telnet.1; and &man.rlogin.1; that
-       make them unsuitable for dealing with binary streams.  By
-       default, Kerberos does not encrypt a session unless
-       <option>-x</option> is used whereas  &man.ssh.1; encrypts
-       everything.</para>
-      <para>While &man.ssh.1; works well, it forwards encryption keys
-       by default.  This introduces a security risk to a user who
-       uses &man.ssh.1; to access an insecure machine from a secure
-       workstation.  The keys themselves are not exposed, but
-       &man.ssh.1; installs a forwarding port for the duration of the
-       login.  If an attacker has broken <systemitem 
class="username">root</systemitem> on
-       the insecure machine, he can utilize that port to gain access
-       to any other machine that those keys unlock.</para>
-      <para>It is recommended that &man.ssh.1; is used in combination
-       with Kerberos whenever possible for staff logins and
-       &man.ssh.1; can be compiled with Kerberos support.  This
-       reduces reliance on potentially exposed <acronym>SSH</acronym>
-       keys while protecting passwords via Kerberos.  Keys should
-       only be used for automated tasks from secure machines as this
-       is something that Kerberos is unsuited to.  It is recommended
-       to either turn off key-forwarding in the
-       <acronym>SSH</acronym> configuration, or to make use
-       of <literal>from=IP/DOMAIN</literal> in
-       <filename>authorized_keys</filename> to make the key only
-       usable to entities logging in from specific machines.</para>
-    </sect2>
-  <sect1 xml:id="crypt">
-    <info><title>DES, Blowfish, MD5, SHA256, SHA512, and Crypt</title>
-      <authorgroup>
 rewritten and updated by </contrib></author>
-      </authorgroup>
-    </info>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>security</primary>
-      <secondary>crypt</secondary>
-    </indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>crypt</primary></indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>Blowfish</primary></indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>DES</primary></indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>MD5</primary></indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>SHA256</primary></indexterm>
-    <indexterm><primary>SHA512</primary></indexterm>
-    <para>Every user on a &unix; system has a password associated with
-      their account.  In order to keep these passwords secret, they
-      are encrypted with a <quote>one-way hash</quote>, as they can
-      be easily encrypted but not decrypted.  The operating system
-      itself does not know the password.  It only knows the
-      <emphasis>encrypted</emphasis> form of the password.  The only
-      way to get the <quote>plain-text</quote> password is by a brute
-      force search of the space of possible passwords.</para>
-    <para>Originally, the only secure way to encrypt passwords in
-      &unix; was based on the Data Encryption Standard
-      (<acronym>DES</acronym>).  Since the source code for
-      <acronym>DES</acronym> could not be exported outside the US,
-      &os; had to find a way to both comply with US law and retain
-      compatibility with other &unix; variants that used
-      <acronym>DES</acronym>.  The solution was MD5 which is believed
-      to be more secure than <acronym>DES</acronym>.</para>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Recognizing the Crypt Mechanism</title>
-      <para>Currently the library supports <acronym>DES</acronym>,
-       MD5, Blowfish, SHA256, and SHA512 hash functions.  To identify
-       which encryption method &os; is set up to use, examine the
-       encrypted passwords in
-       <filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename>.  Passwords encrypted
-       with the MD5 hash are longer than those encrypted with the
-       <acronym>DES</acronym> hash and begin with the characters
-       <literal>&dollar;1&dollar;</literal>.  Passwords starting with
-       <literal>&dollar;2a&dollar;</literal> are encrypted with the
-       Blowfish hash function.  <acronym>DES</acronym> password
-       strings do not have any particular identifying
-       characteristics, but they are shorter than MD5 passwords, and
-       are coded in a 64-character alphabet which does not include
-       the <literal>&dollar;</literal> character, so a relatively
-       short string which does not begin with a dollar sign is very
-       likely a <acronym>DES</acronym> password.  Both SHA256 and
-       SHA512 begin with the characters
-       <literal>&dollar;6&dollar;</literal>.</para>
-      <para>The password format used for new passwords is controlled
-       by the <literal>passwd_format</literal> login capability in
-       <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename>, which takes values of
-       <literal>des</literal>, <literal>md5</literal>,
-       <literal>blf</literal>, <literal>sha256</literal> or
-       <literal>sha512</literal>.  Refer to &man.login.conf.5; for
-       more information about login capabilities.</para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
   <sect1 xml:id="one-time-passwords">
     <title>One-time Passwords</title>
@@ -1970,6 +1419,44 @@
+      <title>Access Issues with Kerberos and &man.ssh.1;</title>
+      <indexterm><primary>&man.ssh.1;</primary></indexterm>
+      <para>There are a few issues with both Kerberos and &man.ssh.1;
+       that need to be addressed if they are used.  Kerberos is an
+       excellent authentication protocol, but there are bugs in the
+       kerberized versions of &man.telnet.1; and &man.rlogin.1; that
+       make them unsuitable for dealing with binary streams.  By
+       default, Kerberos does not encrypt a session unless
+       <option>-x</option> is used whereas  &man.ssh.1; encrypts
+       everything.</para>
+      <para>While &man.ssh.1; works well, it forwards encryption keys
+       by default.  This introduces a security risk to a user who
+       uses &man.ssh.1; to access an insecure machine from a secure
+       workstation.  The keys themselves are not exposed, but
+       &man.ssh.1; installs a forwarding port for the duration of the
+       login.  If an attacker has broken
+       <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> on
+       the insecure machine, he can utilize that port to gain access
+       to any other machine that those keys unlock.</para>
+      <para>It is recommended that &man.ssh.1; is used in combination
+       with Kerberos whenever possible for staff logins and
+       &man.ssh.1; can be compiled with Kerberos support.  This
+       reduces reliance on potentially exposed <acronym>SSH</acronym>
+       keys while protecting passwords via Kerberos.  Keys should
+       only be used for automated tasks from secure machines as this
+       is something that Kerberos is unsuited to.  It is recommended
+       to either turn off key-forwarding in the
+       <acronym>SSH</acronym> configuration, or to make use
+       of <literal>from=IP/DOMAIN</literal> in
+       <filename>authorized_keys</filename> to make the key only
+       usable to entities logging in from specific machines.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2>
       <title>Resources and Further Information</title>
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