Based on a discussion on IRC, we'd like to ask for comments from people who have authored or contributed to documentation.

At present, authors add their name and sometimes a description of their work like "Contributed by" or "Rewritten by".

These author attributions are often quickly outdated as numerous other contributors fix problems and modify or add new content to the same section.

There is potential for improving how this information is displayed.

One possibility is auto-generating an Authors page, showing a list of authors and which portions of the document they have contributed. We have not yet considered technical aspects of generating this page, or the exact output format. However, it could be similar to a table of contents or index. As an initial mockup, consider this:

Authors and Contributors

  Susan B. Anthony
    Contributed By:
      DHCP and Why You Should Care, page 12
      ATM, the Silent Killer, page 54
    Edited By:
      PPP for Dog Owners, page 38

  John Smith
    Contributed By:
      Encrypting Disks, page 19
      Reinstalling FreeBSD, page 20
      Recovering from Backup, page 20
    Edited By:
      When to Use Encryption, page 18
    Rewritten By:
      Pitfalls of Encryption, page 18

The format of the list and contents would vary depending on the media. On the web, the titles would be links to the actual sections.

In both cases, individual authors would not be shown at the top of the actual chapter or section in either HTML or PDF versions.

The goal is to make the contributor information more accurate, more complete, and less distracting from content.

We welcome comments and suggestions on this proposal.
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