Good day, doc@ folks.

  I'd like to introduce some corrections to handbook/users chapter.  However,
there might be moot points, so any comments will be appreciated.

  WBR, Taras Korenko
Index: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/users/chapter.xml
--- en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/users/chapter.xml	(revision 43253)
+++ en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/users/chapter.xml	(working copy)
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
 	  <para>The user name is typed at the <prompt>login:</prompt>
-	    prompt.  User names must be unique on the system as no two
-	    users can have the same user name.  There are a number of
+	    prompt.  User names must be unique on the system. 
+	    There are a number of
 	    rules for creating valid user names, documented in
 	    &man.passwd.5;.  Typically user names consist of eight or
 	    fewer all lower case characters in order to maintain
@@ -91,9 +91,8 @@
-	  <para>Each account has an associated password.  While the
-	    password can be blank, this is highly discouraged and
-	    every account should have a password.</para>
+	  <para>Each account has an associated password.  The password can be
+	    blank, however this is highly discouraged.</para>
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@
 	  <para>By default &os; does not force users to change their
-	    passwords periodically.  Password expiration can be
+	    passwords.  Password expiration can be
 	    enforced on a per-user basis, forcing some or all users to
 	    change their passwords after a certain amount of time has
@@ -377,7 +376,7 @@
       <indexterm><primary>skeleton directory</primary></indexterm>
-      <para>&man.adduser.8; is a simple program for adding new users
+      <para>&man.adduser.8; is a simple program for adding new users.
 	When a new user is added, this program automatically updates
 	<filename>/etc/passwd</filename> and
 	<filename>/etc/group</filename>.  It also creates a home
@@ -527,7 +526,7 @@
       <para>When passed no options, aside from an optional username,
 	&man.chpass.1; displays an editor containing user information.
-	When the user exists from the editor, the user database is
+	When the user exits from the editor, the user database is
 	updated with the new information.</para>
@@ -773,8 +772,7 @@
 	    this limit too small may hinder a user's productivity as
 	    it is often useful to be logged in multiple times or to
 	    execute pipelines.  Some tasks, such as compiling a large
-	    program, spawn multiple processes and other intermediate
-	    preprocessors.</para>
+	    program, spawn lots of processes.</para>
@@ -818,7 +816,7 @@
 	  <para>The limit on the amount of network memory, and
-	    thus mbufs<indexterm><primary>sbsize</primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary>limiting users</primary><secondary>sbsize</secondary></indexterm>, a user may consume in order to limit network
+	    thus mbufs<indexterm><primary>sbsize</primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary>limiting users</primary><secondary>sbsize</secondary></indexterm>, a user may consume.  This can be generally used to limit network
@@ -960,7 +958,7 @@
     <para>In this example, the argument to <option>-m</option> is a
       comma-delimited list of users who are to be added to the group.
       Unlike the previous example, these users are appended to the
-      group list and do not replace the list of existing users in the
+      group and do not replace the list of existing users in the

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