On 10/3/2013 8:14 AM, Eitan Adler wrote:
Here is an overview of the people that visit FreeBSD.org:

Some takeaways:

- More than half (60%) the people that come to our website leave
without going to another page (called 'bouncing').  However these
users spend more time than any other user per page.

In the Google-driven world, this is normal. Users search Google for the FreeBSD.org page they want and Google does a pretty amazing job of finding it.

Interestingly, that freebsd.org gets a lot of bounces indicates the information is organized, stable, reliably searchable, and labelled well. These are very good things that are a lot less common than they should be. It also means the site makes deep bookmarks reliable.

As such a user, I use Google to find, say, the errata pages or the release cycle data and just go to those pages directly. I also have the FTP site listing and the send-pr page bookmarked.

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