
At the moment the listings of __FreeBSD_version values in in the "dos
and don't" section.  I'd like to move it to an appendix.  This will
create a new file similar to how uses.xml is currently implemented.

There is a patch for versions.xml but it is deceptively long (I used
'svn cp' to ensure the history is preserved).

Index: Makefile
--- Makefile    (revision 42681)
+++ Makefile    (working copy)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ INSTALL_ONLY_COMPRESSED?=
 # XML content
 SRCS=  book.xml
 SRCS+= uses.xml
+SRCS+= versions.xml

 # Images from the cross-document image library
 IMAGES_LIB+=   callouts/1.png
Index: book.xml
--- book.xml    (revision 42683)
+++ book.xml    (working copy)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Extension//EN"
        "../../../share/xml/freebsd45.dtd" [
 <!ENTITY values.uses SYSTEM "uses.xml">
+<!ENTITY values.versions SYSTEM "versions.xml">

@@ -11489,4847 +11490,6 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portau

-    <sect1 id="freebsd-versions">

-    </sect1>
     <sect1 id="dads-after-port-mk">
       <title>Writing Something After
@@ -17256,5 +12416,45 @@ pre-install:
+    <sect1 id="freebsd-versions">
+      <title><literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal> Values</title>
+      <para>Here is a convenient list of
+       <literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal> values as defined in
+       <ulink
+      <table frame="none">
+       <title><literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal> Values</title>
+       <tgroup cols="3">
+         <thead>
+           <row>
+             <entry>Value</entry>
+             <entry>Date</entry>
+             <entry>Release</entry>
+           </row>
+         </thead>
+         <tbody>
+           &values.versions;
+         </tbody>
+       </tgroup>
+      </table>
+      <note>
+       <para>Note that 2.2-STABLE sometimes identifies itself as
+         <quote>2.2.5-STABLE</quote> after the 2.2.5-RELEASE.  The
+         pattern used to be year followed by the month, but we
+         decided to change it to a more straightforward major/minor
+         system starting from 2.2.  This is because the parallel
+         development on several branches made it infeasible to
+         classify the releases simply by their real release dates.
+         If you are making a port now, you do not have to worry about
+         old -CURRENTs; they are listed here just for your
+         reference.</para>
+      </note>
+    </sect1>

Does anyone have any specific objections to this?

Eitan Adler
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