On Monday, June 17, 2013 6:06:20 am Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I propose to create a dedicated FreeBSD Fortran mailing list.
> The list will be helpful because:
> 1. There are a number of ports which depend on fortran compiler
> or libraries in some way:
> $ find /usr/ports/ -name "Makefile" | xargs grep -i fortran | wc -l
>      361
> $
> 2. The FreeBSD Fortran expertise is scattered over many lists
> at present. This will be a single point of contact for all
> parties interested in Fortran on FreeBSD.
> 3. There are several developers/committers with Fortran
> expertise, e.g. bf@, gerald@, maho@, who maintain a lot
> of the critical fortran ports infrastructure, i.e. key
> libraries and compilers. The list will help Fortran users
> attaract the attention of all these people (hopefully
> they will want to subscribe).

Have you asked some of these folks if this is a list they
would join and be active on?

John Baldwin
freebsd-doc@freebsd.org mailing list
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