On Fri, 21 Jun 2013, Hiroki Sato wrote:

Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote
 in <alpine.bsf.2.00.1306171145490.79...@wonkity.com>:

wb> My proposal for merging the ISBN branch and getting out of our
wb> two-branch problem.
wb> First, profiling works.  A demo file of the Porter's Handbook is here:
wb> http://wonkity.com/~wblock/profiledemo/
wb> After applying the patch, build either the online or print version of
wb> the book with:
wb>   make EDITION=online clean book.html
wb>   make EDITION=print  clean book.html
wb> The "online" version includes all sections with edition="online" or an
wb> edition not set.

Please do not add a separate make variable for that.  We already have
FORMATS, and setting profiling variables (profile.attribute and
profile.value in XSLT) based on it should work.

You mean a new format should be added, like "pdf-withoutonline"? That sounds like a better option.

Also, we should consider/discuss what kind of difference we need
actually and should allow between the two first.  Basically I am
against marking up everything with "online" or "print" because it
just makes the source files complicated.  I think it is useful only
for separating lengthy preface, edition history, and pgpkey list from
the body in book.xml.

Agreed. The experiment showed that only sections which should not be included in the printed book could be marked with edition="online". All other sections would be left with edition unset.

There is a complication. Links to sections which have been eliminated by profiling will break, so those would also need profiling. I don't know how big an issue that will be, but suspect it will not be very much.

Hopefully, the profiling will be unobtrusive enough so that it can be done in head. That will make turnaround time for the next printed version of the Handbook much shorter.
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