You didn't specify so I want to ask, dmesg complain about anything?

On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 5:18 AM Dmitry Salychev <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I spent several days experimenting with my HoneyComb and two GPUs
> (GeForce GTX 1070 and Radeon R9 270X) left from the previously built
> desktops. Results have been mostly disappointing so far. Take a look:
> - both GPUs are discoverable on the PCI bus;
> - graphics/drm-510-kmod + graphics/gpu-firmware-amd-kmod (pitcairn
>   flavor) allow me to load firmware and attach drmn0;
> - neither graphics/nvidia-drm-kmod nor x11/nvidia-driver cannot be used
>   on aarch64, it seems;
> - xorg + kde5 start, but have some really annoying graphics glitches;
> - xorg + xfce4 start as well, but graphics glitches make it impossible
>   to use at all.
> Does anyone use HoneyComb as a desktop? If so, which GPU/driver?
> Regards,
> Dmitry
> --

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