On 4/12/2010 9:45 AM, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> I have bad experiences with freebsd-rc mailing list - no responses to my 
> direct e-mails and no responses for PRs (PR sent more than year ago, 
> direct e-mails 3 month ago without any reaction).
> I don't know who is responsible person for rc system and related PRs, 
> but it seems there is not enough man power to check/take/commit/or close 
> PRs related to rc.

... like everything else in a volunteer project. :)  I personally try to
comment on the 2 tails of the bell-shaped curve, things that look
interesting, or things that I oppose. For everything else in the vast
middle ground I generally wait to see if someone else expresses interest
in it.

Regarding your 2 open PRs, the first is a jail thing, and I have no
experience with jails and don't feel competent to comment. Your cpu
affinity patch looks interesting, but not enough to take my attention
away from the 34 other things that are currently in my queue.

So, please don't take it personally. :)  freebsd-rc@ is still the best
place to start a discussion about rc.d-related stuff, but that doesn't
mean that other forums can't be used as well.




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