> >
> >From: "David O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >> I'll seriously argue against the 2nd point above.  I don't know of a
> >> SINGLE person that uses /bin/sh as their interactive shell when
> >> multi-user.  Not ONE.  Every Bourne shell'ish user I've ever met uses
> >> Bash, AT&T ksh, pdksh, zsh.
> >
> >I don't know anyone that farms lama's, so there cannot be any lama
> >
> >computer$ grep dmlb /etc/passwd
> >dmlb:*:1166:1166:Duncan Barclay:/home/dmlb:/bin/sh
> >
> >Duncan
> So, imagine, i'm accidentally deleted /bin with your most wanted
> static sh... And, of course, due to static nature of /bin/sh it was
> removed from /rescue? Nothing will protect you from shooting in the leg,
> neither static linking, nor assumption that /lib is OK.
> MOST people uses /bin/sh only for rc scripts (to be correct, their system
> uses it). David O'Brien just tried to told, that NOBODY he knows will be
> REALLY impacted by performance loss, caused due dynamic /bin/sh linking.
> You will... So, because Duncan Barclay is impacted by performance
> loss due dynamic /bin/sh linking, ENTIRE FreeBSD community will have
> troubles (at least with NSS) due to static linking...

Maxim, I was merely rising to David's bait for some proof that people use
/bin/sh as an interactive shell. You're correct in saying that if /bin/sh on
my machines gets hosed it won't
matter too much - I'll use another shell to rebuild the machine, or boot
from an install CD
to get a shell. But as part of me fixing the machine, I'll put /bin/sh back

I didn't say anything about NSS and I don't intend to as I don't need it.
The debate should be held between people that need the functionality but
want it implemented in different ways.
As to performance loss, I really don't think I'm going to notice it - the
cheapest machine I can find in the UK is an Athlon 1800XP, that has a lot
more grunt than I need. This may not be true for others.


>    Sincerely, Maxim M. Kazachek
>        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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