On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 12:23:16AM +0100, boyd, rounin wrote:
you're building a house of cards.  once, if /etc/init and
/bin/sh and some other pieces where in place a smashed
file-system could be easily fixed.  now you have to have
3 shared libs and a viable /lib.

do you want systems that work? or houses of cards?

Personally, I think init should be static, and can't think of any way it would benefit from shared libraries. I'm not qualified to comment on the various things people have said about /bin/sh.

(Possibly irrelevant data point: Solaris 10, if it ever flies, will
supposedly have only shared libraries.)

Given that you've got a knob if you really care enough to change the
default, static init and /rescue should be adequate to get past all
the other bickering here, so please stop it already...

Christopher Vance
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