On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 09:01:35AM +0200, Vallo Kallaste wrote:
> > 
> > Well, I have a system from the 25th that works just fine, we're looking
> > between the dates of 9/25 - 9/30.
> It is fixed, grab newer sources.

It seems mostly but not completely fixed.  I got one sig11 (on touch :)
building ports.  Retrying the port (Mozilla 1.5, pretty big) succeeded,
and I got no further sigs doing portupgrade -ap.  As always, I can't
completely rule out h/w, but the system has never produced any sigs
doing builds on RELENG_5_1 or -current before 9/24.  However the behavior
is very much improved, as -currents after 9/24 until the pmap.c fix
would get sigs every few minutes.  (Reminder, this is a dual-athlon.)

Barney Wolff         http://www.databus.com/bwresume.pdf
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.
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