On Sat, 18 Oct 2003, Peter wrote:

> I have been trying to install FreeBSD 5.1 with a Logitech USB
> keyboard. But I have been unable to do that since it looks like
> FreeBSD 5.1 doesnt recognize the keyboard when it hasnt loaded the
> kernel. I then tried to install FreeBSD 4.8 and it worked like a charm
> with the USB keyboard.
> My first question is; Why isnt there support for a USB Keyboard during
> the installation of FreeBSD 5.1 and during the boot up process as
> well? I am unable to use it in the boot screen of FreeBSD 5.1.
> My second question is; I have been able to get the usb keyboard
> working in FreeBSD after help in the question mailing list, but when I
> use it I tend to every now and then get the same character again, this
> happens most often when im typing fast. I gues this is common knowledg
> but since Im new in current and new to using USB Keyboard in FreeBSD
> and I havent found much searching in Google. Is there a way to stop it
> or is it a bug in the USB source for FreeBSD, or just me. Mostly
> intrested in the status of this.
> Im running FreeBSD 5.1 release #0 with Generic kernel.
> Motherboard: Abit KD7
> CPU: AMD Baraton
> Keyboard: Logitech cordless comfort

All the information you need to set it up is in the ukbd(4) manpage.


> Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
> Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/    >

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