> > > Anyone tried going forward to 1.8?
> > I just tried 1.8, it did not fix the problem.  Symtoms are still the same,

I noticed that ata-queue.c had a .rej so in a fit of "lets make sure
everything is valid"ness I deleted my /usr/src tree and re-sup'd the
entire thing, then built.

Between that and the 1.9 version of ata-queue.c, both of the problems
(the hang with ata1: resetting and the hang if atapicam is defined
in the kernel) I had been reporting have been cleared up.

Now if I could just get this darned T30 to sleep properly, all would be
wonderful. :)

 -----------                       - Lee "nomad" Damon -          \
play: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    or castle!nomad                          \
work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       \
Seneschal, Castle PAUS.                                            /  \
                "Celebrate Diversity"                             /    \

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