On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 06:11:30PM -0700, Doug White wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
> > The hardware is IBM NetFinity 6000R, and it has ServerWorks ROSB4 UDMA33
> > controller, to which the IDE disk is attached. The size of the IDE hard
> > disk is 4Gbytes, and the size of the kernel dump and physical memory both
> > fits in that size.
> The ROSB4 is known to have data-corruption problems with running in UDMA
> mode.  The dump is probably tripping over this, which is why Tor's patch
> works since it demotes the device back to PIO.

I also had problems dumping onto a UDMA66 disk on a promise PDC20267
controller - it seemed to dump OK (dump was readable after I recovered
the disk), but it (or maybe the crash itself) trashed the partition


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