On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 14:23:19 +0000
"Sebastian Yepes F. [ESN]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have done a Mini-Hot-To on how to make a LiVeBSD CD it's really a
> Mini-How-To because there is not  much to do to make this work..
> I have been abel to do a LiVeBSD FW+PF and it's working realy good..
> and a mini distro with X and xfce4 and it to work ok..

There's FreeSBIE (www.freesbie.org) which is a much similar LiveCD, and
it's a good project. Maybe you can give a look at its code and see if
something you've worked on can be ported into it. You could also join
the project and help adding new features and new ideas.

> What well be really nice is to have a 'linux like cloop' on BSD so we
> can compress the CD..

At the moment I think that using a DVD would be much easier. Their price
is continuosly decreasing.



Stucchi Massimiliano     | Gruppo Utenti FreeBSD Italia
WillyStudios.com         | http://www.gufi.org 
"People who make no mistakes do not usually make anything"

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