On 25 Sep, Nate Lawson wrote:
>> I've got an IBM ThinkPad R40 that hangs when I do a "shutdown -p".  It
>> wedges after printing "Powering system off using ACPI".
>> Attempting to use 'acpiconf -s" to suspend produces similar hangs.
> Your system is halting correctly but powering off is failing.  A cursory
> glance at your ASL shows nothing particularly amiss.  It's very similar to
> my laptop (T23).
>> I tried compiling a version of the kernel with the ACPI_DEBUG option
>> listed in NOTES, but buildkernel dies
> This was fixed on Sept 21 so cvsup and recompile.  Set hw.acpi.verbose=1
> in loader.conf to get more messages.

I didn't get much more ...

acpi_cmbat1: battery initialization failed, giving up  
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...stopped  
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...stopped  
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...stopped  
syncing disks, buffers remaining... 11 11   
Uptime: 1m10s  
Powering system off using ACPI 

> To debug this, please boot a newer kernel with the ACPI_DEBUG option with
> the following options in loader.conf:
>     debug.acpi.level="ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS"
> You'll get spammed with way too many messages on boot but just ignore
> these.

You're not kidding.  I gave up after 2 hours and 7.5 MB of output.  It
looks like it's looping, see below ...

> Then do shutdown -p and log the printed messages (hopefully you
> have a serial console).
> I'll map the debugging tunables to a sysctl since it would be better if
> you could just set this just before testing rather than for the full boot.

Yeah, that would be a lot better.

 psscope-0236 [10] PsPushScope           : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
   SYNCH-0156 [11] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [11] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [11] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [11] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1062 [11] UtPushGenericState    : ----Entry
  utmisc-1070 [11] UtPushGenericState    : ----Exit-
 psscope-0271 [10] PsPushScope           : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0156 [10] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [10] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [10] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [10] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
 psparse-0405 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Entry 0xc403b128
 psparse-0501 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Exit- AE_OK
  psargs-0489 [10] PsGetNextSimpleArg    : ----Entry 00000001
  psargs-0562 [10] PsGetNextSimpleArg    : ----Exit-
 psparse-0405 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Entry 0xc403b128
 psparse-0501 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Exit- AE_OK
 psparse-0231 [10] PsCompleteThisOp      : ----Entry 0xc403b128
 psparse-0378 [10] PsCompleteThisOp      : ----Exit-
 psscope-0301 [10] PsPopScope            : ----Entry
  utmisc-1093 [11] UtPopGenericState     : ----Entry
  utmisc-1106 [11] UtPopGenericState     : ----Exit- 0xc40248a8
  utmisc-1333 [11] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0156 [12] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [12] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [12] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [12] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1337 [11] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Exit-
 psscope-0334 [10] PsPopScope            : ----Exit-
 nsutils-0982 [10] NsOpensScope          : ----Entry Integer
 nsutils-0993 [10] NsOpensScope          : ----Exit-        0       0
 psparse-0405 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
 psparse-0501 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Exit- AE_OK
 psparse-0231 [10] PsCompleteThisOp      : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
  pswalk-0340 [11] PsDeleteParseTree     : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
  utmisc-1165 [12] UtCreateThreadState   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1181 [12] UtCreateThreadState   : ----Exit- 0xc40248a8
dswstate-0950 [12] DsCreateWalkState     : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
dsmthdat-0158 [13] DsMethodDataInit      : ----Entry
dsmthdat-0186 [13] DsMethodDataInit      : ----Exit-
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1062 [13] UtPushGenericState    : ----Entry
  utmisc-1070 [13] UtPushGenericState    : ----Exit-
dswstate-0872 [13] DsPushWalkState       : ----Entry
dswstate-0878 [13] DsPushWalkState       : ----Exit-
dswstate-0988 [12] DsCreateWalkState     : ----Exit- 0xc4028c28
  pswalk-0152 [12] PsGetNextWalkOp       : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
  pswalk-0170 [12] PsGetNextWalkOp       : ----Exit- AE_OK
  pswalk-0152 [12] PsGetNextWalkOp       : ----Entry 0xc403b128
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  pswalk-0258 [12] PsGetNextWalkOp       : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1333 [12] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1337 [12] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Exit-
dswstate-1122 [12] DsDeleteWalkState     : ----Entry 0xc4028c28
  utmisc-1333 [13] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0156 [14] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [14] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [14] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [14] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
  utmisc-1337 [13] UtDeleteGenericState  : ----Exit-
   SYNCH-0156 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [13] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [13] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
dswstate-1172 [12] DsDeleteWalkState     : ----Exit-
  pswalk-0390 [11] PsDeleteParseTree     : ----Exit-
 psparse-0375 [10] PsCompleteThisOp      : ----Exit-
  psargs-0255 [10] PsGetNextNamestring   : ----Entry
  psargs-0305 [10] PsGetNextNamestring   : ----Exit- 0xd82a1d03
nsaccess-0375 [10] NsLookup              : ----Entry
 nsutils-0982 [11] NsOpensScope          : ----Entry Device
 nsutils-0993 [11] NsOpensScope          : ----Exit-        0       1
nssearch-0367 [11] NsSearchAndEnter      : ----Entry
nssearch-0164 [12] NsSearchNode          : ----Entry
nssearch-0229 [12] NsSearchNode          : ----Exit- ****Exception****: AE_NOT_FOUND
 nsalloc-0147 [12] NsCreateNode          : ----Entry
 utalloc-0501 [13] UtCallocate           : ----Entry 00000048
 utalloc-0526 [13] UtCallocate           : ----Exit- 0xc404e980
 utalloc-0780 [13] UtTrackAllocation     : ----Entry 0xc404e980
   SYNCH-0156 [14] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [14] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [14] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [14] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
 utalloc-0835 [13] UtTrackAllocation     : ----Exit- AE_OK
 nsalloc-0162 [12] NsCreateNode          : ----Exit- 0xc404e9a8
 nsalloc-0332 [12] NsInstallNode         : ----Entry
 nsalloc-0444 [12] NsInstallNode         : ----Exit-
nssearch-0461 [11] NsSearchAndEnter      : ----Exit- AE_OK
 nsutils-0982 [11] NsOpensScope          : ----Entry Untyped
 nsutils-0993 [11] NsOpensScope          : ----Exit-        0       0
nsaccess-0721 [10] NsLookup              : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0156 [10] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0162 [10] AcpiOsWaitSemaphore   : ----Exit- AE_OK
   SYNCH-0314 [10] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Entry
   SYNCH-0336 [10] AcpiOsSignalSemaphore : ----Exit- AE_OK
 psparse-0405 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8
 psparse-0501 [10] PsNextParseState      : ----Exit- AE_OK
  psargs-0703 [10] PsGetNextArg          : ----Entry 0xc402920c
  psargs-0850 [10] PsGetNextArg          : ----Exit- AE_OK
 psscope-0236 [10] PsPushScope           : ----Entry 0xc402e9a8

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