On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Stijn Hoop wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 01:49:50AM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > If FreeBSD wants to take the simple approach and only support
> > one thread library in ports (-pthread == -lpthread) and not
> > make it selectable via PTHREAD_LIBS, then its not a problem.
> > It would be nice to be able to support all our thread
> > libraries, but I grow weary.
> Just an idea (I hope this hasn't been said before in the mega thread but at
> least I didn't get it this way):
> - fix all ports to respect PTHREAD_LIBS _ON THE LINKING STAGE_ (so no
>   global search & replace, for it shouldn't be used in compile command lines)

This sounds nice, but I don't know that there really is much
difference in changes needed.

> - keep '-pthread' as a compiler option, which maps to a NOOP for compiling
>   and '-lpthread' (aka libkse) for linking

That's already the case; -pthread never did anything on the
compile, only the link.

> - set PTHREAD_LIBS to the default value of -pthread
> - allow PTHREAD_LIBS to be set to something other, e.g. '-lthr', in
>   /etc/make.conf (or the make command line)

This is already the path that ports is going down :-)

Dan Eischen

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