Here is a partial list of the ports that need to be taught to respect PTHREAD_LIBS and PTHREAD_CFLAGS, from the latest 5.x package build (I just grepped for the "-pthread is deprecated" error message). None of these were fixed by ports/57047. It is likely that there are many more that also need to be fixed - either they fail in other ways, or are hidden by depending on another port that currently fails.
Since the ports tree is currently frozen for 4.9-R, fixes cannot immediately be committed to fix these. Instead, fixes should be stockpiled in private CVS repositories until the freeze ends. If you are interested in helping to fix these errors (or already have a fix), please let me know. 54321-1.0.2001.11.16 aget-0.4 aleph-0.8.2 alsaplayer-0.99.75 amavisd-new-20030616.p5 bacula-1.30a_1 bigloo-2.5a bind9-dlz-9.2.2+0.5.0 boost-1.30.0_1 cfengine-1.6.3_4 cfengine2-2.0.3 clamav-0.60_1 clanlib-0.4.4_1 directfb-0.9.16_2 doomlegacy-1.32b4 drweb_sendmail-4.29.12f evilbar-1.2.1 fasta3-33.t08.d4 firedns-0.1.30 ganglia-monitor-core-2.5.3 glui-2.1 hercules-2.17.1_1 icecast-1.3.12_1 linphone-0.11.0_2 lws-0.1.2 mimedefang-2.37 mnogosearch-3.1.20_1 mp3blaster-3.1.3 nast-0.1.7e ncbi-toolkit-2003.04.21 nitpicker-1.2.1,1 nss-3.8 ocaml-3.06 omniORB-4.0.2 openal-20030724 osrtspproxy-2.0_1 pcsc-lite-1.1.2.b.5 physfs-0.1.8 powerdns-2.9.11 pppoa-1.2b2,1 ppptraf-1.0 privoxy+ipv6-20030523_1 pwlib-1.5.0_2 py-gtkscintilla-0.8.2 qt-2.3.1_2 qt-3.1.2_1 qt-static-2.3.1_2 siege-2.56 siphon-0.666 smtprc-0.9.7 spiralsynthmodular-0.2.1 streamripper-1.0.5 sword-1.5.5 termlog-1.0.3 tinyq-3.0.6 transcode-0.6.9 trickyirc-1.1.0 vida-0.7.1 xbms-0.30.6 xwhois-0.4.2 zebedee-2.4.1 Kris
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