
Sam Leffler wrote:
> ath and wi have the same restrictions.  You
> can use bridging to hookup a wired and wireless network but not two
> wireless networks.  I can't tell from your posting what you are trying to
> do.
>       Sam

I figured now would be a good place to chime in about WDS.
I'm currious about what you folks think about the future of the ath, wi
,et'all drivers in regards to WDS bridging? Would this type of bridging
(wireless to wireless) be implemented in the drivers, or hook into the
BRIDGE code? I'm thinking the driver itself would take care of all that,

The ideal situation would be similare to a net4521 board with one radio in
hostap mode bridged to the wired network, the 2nd radio in WDS mode
bridged to either the other radio, or the wired network. Or something like

I asume this is all pointless until good docs are provided to us folks
from the radio makers who seem on guard about their stupid firmware. bah!

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