Dag-Erling Smørgrav writes:
 > The backtrace you showed seems to indicate that the panic happened
 > somewhere in the softupdates code, but IIRC that code has a fairly
 > conservative built-in limit on memory consumption and degrades
 > gracefully when it hits that limit.  It's likely that something else
 > gobbled up all available kernel memory, and the mallloc() call from
 > softupdates was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.
 > If you have a serial console hooked up, you could try running
 >     while :; do vmstat -m ; sleep 1 ; done
Second trace didn't have anything to do with fs only fork system calls
there so your expanation sounds reasonable.  We probably don't see this
problem again because system now has enough memory (256M).

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