On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Andre Guibert de Bruet wrote:

> I'm trying to enable DRM on an ATI Radeon AIW 8500DV (Which gets detected
> as a Radeon R200 BB-class board). I've added both "device radeondrm" and
> "device agp" to my kernel config file and made sure that XFree86 has both
> a "load dri" and a "load glx" directive.
> I'm seeing the following in my all.log:
> Sep 10 00:22:36 bling kernel: error: [drm:radeon_cp_init] *ERROR* radeon_cp_init 
> called without lock held
> Sep 10 00:22:36 bling kernel: error: [drm:radeon_unlock] *ERROR* Process 1945 using 
> kernel context 0
> I've put a number of configs and logs up:
> Kernel config is at: http://bling.properkernel.com/BLING
> XF86Config is at:    http://bling.properkernel.com/XF86Config
> boot -v is at:       http://bling.properkernel.com/boot-v
> XFree86.0.log is at: http://bling.properkernel.com/XFree86.0.log
> glxinfo -v is at:    http://bling.properkernel.com/glxinfo

Okay, so I missed a couple of messages in the archive. ForcePCIMode true
causes DRM to work, but I can't help but think that it's by luck rather
than design... I'll update the boot -v with a version from a kernel with
DRM_DEBUG in just a little bit.

Sep 10 13:13:05 bling kernel: info: [drm] Loading R200 Microcode
Sep 10 13:13:05 bling kernel: drm0: [MPSAFE]


> Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
> Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/    >
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