David O'Brien wrote:
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 10:00:17AM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:

|                     |           |                 | Productionable     |
|                     |           |                 | support for the    |
|                     |           |                 | AMD64 platform.    |
|                     |           |                 | Currently, AMD64   |
|                     |           |                 | runs fully in      |
|                     |           |                 | 32-bit emulation   |
| Tier-1 Support for  | In        | Peter Wemm,     | mode, and boots to |
| AMD64 Hammer        | progress  | David O'Brien   | single-user in     |
|                     |           |                 | 64-bit mode. We    |
|                     |           |                 | expect full        |
|                     |           |                 | production support |
|                     |           |                 | for the AMD64      |
|                     |           |                 | architecture in    |
|                     |           |                 | 5.2-RELEASE.       |

PLEASE, PLEASE update this. Not implying that FreeBSD/amd64 doesn't make it multiuser and can build its own world would be sufficient.

Raising you through the normal channels does not seem to be working at the moment. Please go ahead and update this entry as you see fit. It's in www/en/releases/5.2R.



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