        Since this is related to both -current and to ports I crossposted
to both. Basically (I've asked this question before, with no answer),
several network-related apps broke after the last gcc import. nmap no
longer works:

kaoru:~:# nmap -sS -O

Starting nmap 3.30 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2003-08-29 14:13
sendto in send_tcp_raw: sendto(3, packet, 40, 0,, 16) => No
route to host

I know there is a route to that ip because I'm connected to it from my
current machine right now. This behavior started after the import.

Also, with smbclient:

kaoru:~:# smbclient -L iscprt
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Packet send failed to ERRNO=Can't assign requested
Connection to iscprt failed

This also only started after the import. (or maybe there was another
commit that day that caused this problem, I don't know).

Anyway, the nmap problem is a big one since I have to scan several
machines in my network with nessus, which relies on nmap to work, and I
need smbclient/smbspool to print through cups to printers on the local
windows network. Is anyone else seeing these problems? Is anyone working
on fixes?


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