On 26-Aug-2003 Bryan Liesner wrote:
> Over the past few weeks, I have posted messages about panics
> that I've been having.  No answers at all.
> Yesterday, I posted about a repeatable problem where dumps just
> destroy my IDE drive.  No answers.  Pretty serious problem. No, my
> swap partition doesn't start at sector 0.
> Have I offended some or all of you somehow?  I'd like to contribute in
> some way...

No, I doubt you've offended anyone.  However, most people working on
FreeBSD have a steady state of being really busy and unfortunately
some bug reports don't always get followed up on.  Including stack
traces with panic reports can greatly aid in getting the panics
resolved.  Note that the panic in specfs that a lot of folks were
seeing has been recently fixed and I saw many unanswered reports of
that panic as reports were coming in well after the problem had
been identified and even fixed.  The ata(4) driver was just rewritten
and is a bit rocky apparently.  I haven't dared to upgrade to it yet,
so if it's trashing your disks you might want to keep an old kernel
around to get work done with. :)


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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