
> Does anyone know if it's possible to use a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse
> 5.1?

you need to have Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Device) support. someone
wrote me an e-mail a while ago asking the same question. i tried to explain
Bluetooth HID and how it works. its not a rocket science - you just need
write a daemon that opens a couple of L2CAP connection to the mouse and
read bytes from it. then you feed these bytes into /dev/console via ioctl(2)
to move actual mouse pointer. i'm not sure if this person working on this.

> I've had a play around with it, and was able to get bsd to see the
> mouse,
> but couldn't actually get the mouse working. If anyones had any success,
> could they give me a few pointers?

currently there is no support for Bluetooth HID. as soon as these devices
get cheaper i will get one of them and will write the code. in the mean
time i can offer my help to anyone who is willing to write the code. 


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