On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Florian Smeets wrote:

> I got a really anoying Problem today. 3 different boxes started to reboot
> when i hit enter at the bootmgr, or when i don't hit enter and wait for it
> to boot FreeBSD it reboots when the loader should apear. I can see that it
> prints out some numbers but its to fast to recognise anything. I did not
> mess with the disk configuration on any of the boxes. I only rebuild world
> and kernel as usual every few days. They all had sources from 3rd or 4th
> of august. I don't have my serial cable handy i'll try to get it back this

I saw _exactly_ the same problem on one of my boxes today: it was
shutdowned correctly yesterday, and today it wouldn't boot, but panic
right after boot0. The only thing I could see were some hex numbers and
"BTX halted" for a split second, then immediately reboot. It's a -current
box from Sunday evening CEST.

I managed to fix it by booting from floppies and running the Fixit floppy,
writing a new disklabel, which seems to have become corrupted somehow.


Lukas Ertl                             eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX Systemadministrator               Tel.:  (+43 1) 4277-14073
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