On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 11:40:18AM -0400, Andre Guibert de Bruet wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Dr. Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

> > I finally figureed out that the removable floppy (which works both as an
> > external usb and internall) is treated as a scsi device, not /dev/fd0.
> > So I tried moving the drivers from the up to date machine.  No dice;
> > they depend on another changed function.

> > So I borrowed a usb zip drive, and found that a bzip2'd source tree is
> > only 83M.  I've moved that, and have a new kernel compiling from a
> > source tree updated this morning.  Am I going to have to do anything
> > else to get the bge device detected, or will it just kernel installation
> > and reboot take care of this?

> If you've compiled the driver into the kernel, all you'll have to do is
> configure the IP settings for the device. If you intend on using the
> kernel loadable module, you'll have to kldload it before you configure
> the network settings.

All is now well, and I have my regular programs building.  DHCP network
configuration even worked flawlessly.  I have a permanent IP for the
thing, but this (should) let me plug into the sockets at our main
library as well (and I assume it will give me less hassle with ppp,


> Regards,
> > Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
> > Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/    >

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