Emiel Kollof wrote:

I've been seeing lots of these lately:

got bad cookie vp 0xc2f40b68 bp 0xc929a1e8
got bad cookie vp 0xc318d124 bp 0xc91d4240

I grepped around, and it seems it has something to do with NFS (well, I found this being printf'ed in src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_bio.c

I have two NFS machines from which I mount, a 4.8-STABLE machine and a NetBSD 1.6.1 box. I haven't seen any dataloss or panics. But still, should I be worried? How serious is this message?

I can only say that (1) I've been getting these forever, on both -stable and -current, and (2) I personally have never lost any data.

However, I have no clue as to why you and I get them, or what they signify.

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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