I use Grub to multi-boot XPpro, Linux & FreeBSD.  Had to use FFS
filesystem since Grub doesn't support UFS.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 3:10 PM
> Subject: Best Known Methods for dual booting WinXP + -current
> hello all,
> Having had a positive experience thus far with 5.1-RELEASE 
> and -current beyond
> that on one of the new boxes I recently built, it is now time 
> to build up the
> dual-boot system (BSD for me, WinXP for the wife ;). I've 
> read different
> reports (some from laptop users) about using the WinXP loader 
> to boot FreeBSD
> and I've also read reports that people used the standard 
> boot-easy to boot both
> (while even others using GRUB).
> Are there currently any issues with dual-booting 5.1-RELEASE 
> and/or -current
> along with Windows XP (probably SP1)? This would be on the 
> same physical
> disk. What do you other -current users who are faced with 
> dual booting XP do
> for the most part?
> Thanks,
> -Jr
> -- 
> John & Jennifer Reynolds  johnjen at reynoldsnet.org        
Sr. Physical Design Engineer - WCCG/CCE PDE     jreynold at
Running FreeBSD since 2.1.5-RELEASE.               FreeBSD: The Power to
"Unix is user friendly, it's just particular about the friends it
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