I'm doing a build world of dragonfly now, this is
definately not vaporware, or a troll. 

what they are doing could open up several new and
interesting areas for bsd. While it's true that most
branches of the bsd tree have occured over people
issues. This one looks like it will stand on technical
merit alone. Nobody could of made the changes that
have been made to the kernel in a space of a month to
the big tree. and multiple ways of looking at the same
problem is a good thing. That defines CS and that is
what the BSD'S have always been at there heart.


--- Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> :>   anyway, not our Latin alphabet ] effort, a
> dubious idea to divide
> :>   the number of shoulders that load sits on. 
> There's already another
> :>   cross platform ports project anyway
> (Freshports?)
> :> - A new distribution mechanism (whatever) ? maybe
> - but again
> :>   if better, that technology should be adopted &
> merged into other BSDs.
> :> 
> :> http://www.dragonflybsd.org/ may be a just a
> troll erection, it's
> :> constructed so there's nothing real to see.  A
> troll site ?  No
> :> where to click & sample code inside browser,
> you'd have to cvsup &
> :> extract localy to check real code. No interest
> until others confirm real.
> :
> :you missed the entire source tree? look again..
> :and I doubt that a troller would have redesigned
> the entire kernel
> :to make a troll and made it work.. if he did we
> should invite him in..
>     Yes, that would be some trick, considering that
> the unified diff
>     between my tree and -stable is over 347,000
> lines long!  Sheesh, I
>     guess I really *do* have to get cvsweb up and
> running for people
>     to believe it, ftp and cvsup apparently aren't
> enough!
> :
> :it's himm.. believe it..
>     I don't understand, do some people not believe
> that I am heavy-weight
>     kernel programmer? <GRIN>  I mean, sheesh, this
> reminds me of my old
>     Commodore PET days, when I wrote a centipede
> game entirely in 6502 machine
>     language and submitted it to cursor magazine for
> publication.
>     They declined, I think because they didn't quite
> believe that a 14
>     year old kid could *do* that.  It was a damn
> fine game, too, the last
>     level featured an invisible centipede who only
> turned visible for a
>     few seconds when you hit one of his segments.
> :> ( Julian Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> )
> :> The logo is useless (& a troll give away ?):
>     Useless!  You try staring a three inch long
> DragonFly in the face for
>     half an hour!  It was fate is what it was, that
> Fred was so photogenic
>     because it took about 20 shots before I got him
> framed and focused 
>     properly and he basically refused to budge
> despite my comings and goings,
>     only occassionally startling, flitting around
> the yard a bit, and then
>     landing right smack back on the same frond he
> had just taken off from.
> :> There's too many BSD's already.  More complete
> BSDs aren't of
> :> personal or business benefit.  More kernels,
> tools, & experiments
> :> in ports/packaging etc could be useful though,
> but to be of most
> :> benefit such work should be fully integratable, &
> not further split
> :> the available BSD workforce.
> :> Julian Stacey       Freelance Systems Engineer,
> Unix & Net Consultant, Munich.
> :
> :Well if you take away his commit bit treeat him
> unfairly, what other
> :choice does he have? 
>     Well, I don't really care about that, but this
> points to an interesting
>     dichotomy in the perception of people who use
> open source and of people
>     who write it.  I don't know about other open
> source programmers but my
>     motivation is interest and invention.  It has
> nothing at all to do with
>     towing some imaginary line.  Why should it
> matter what operating system
>     base I choose?  If Linus felt that way he would
> never have started Linux.
>     It is a concept that non-programmers like to
> banter about on forums like
>     slashdot but it is utterly meaningless to most
> of the people that do
>     the actual programming.  There is
> responsibility, yes, but it is an
>     effect rather then a cause. 
>     History is filled with underdogs winning against
> the behemoths against
>     all apparent odds, and turning into behemoths
> themselves only to be
>     displaced by the next underdog when their little
> clique starts believing
>     in its own immortality.   As a programmer who
> has gone through several
>     generations of operating environments I don't
> believe in the immortality
>     of anything, least of all FreeBSD or Linux, or
> my own code.  But it
>     doesn't stop me from working my favorite project
> on my favorite platform,
>     whatever that happens to be.  Ultimately the
> only thing that survives
>     history is the invention and the concept, and
> memory.  If people can see
>     that a concept works and go and implement it in
> their own favorite
>     environment then that counts as a success and
> another notch on my
>     sleave regardless of anything else.  If people
> can make positive use
>     from something I've done, that's a nother notch.
>  It's amazing to me
>     how people can belittle the work that Rik has
> done on the Linux VM
>     system, for example, under the misconception
> that not having outright
>     adoption means that it was somehow a failure. 
> How absurd!  That work
>     created a competitive environment which had the
> direct result of several
>     people building upon the concepts and
> implementating something far better
>     then what used to be there.  That's a notch in
> Rik's sleave, and in mine
>     too for having been able to contribute to the
> discussion.
>     It's amazing to me how many old Amiga users have
> emailed me in the last
>     two days about DICE.  DICE is a C compiler I
> wrote for the Amiga.  In
>     modern day terms it is consigned to history now,
> having outlived the
>     platform it was originally designed for (the
> Amiga, though there are
>     people who still use it to support legacy 68000
> based hardware).  What
>     is amazing to me are the stories from people who
> got their start in
>     programming using that compiler, and have gone
> on to great jobs and
>     interesting work in later years.  *THAT* is what
> I care about.  I don't
>     care a whit about what happens to the actual
> code because I know it
>     won't last.  I've written a huge amount of code
> in my life and 95% of
>     it is no longer being actively used.  That same
> 95%, however, has
>     effected the lives of thousands of people in a
> positive fashion so the
>     idea that code must somehow become immortal or
> its a wasted effort is
>     just absurd.
>     Open source is the ultimate expression of
> Darwinism, and evolution takes
>     many forms, but one thing is for certain:  There
> is no such thing as
>     immortality for Linux, FreeBSD, or anything else
> for that matter.
>                                       -Matt
>                                       Matthew Dillon 
>                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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