On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Scot W. Hetzel wrote:

> From: "Scot W. Hetzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > You only enabled 1/3 of the source to use PROCESS_OPTIONS, you also need
> to
> > add the option to libwrap (lib/libwrap) and tcpdchk
> (src/usr.sbin/tcpdchk).
> >
> Small correction, the lib/libwrap/Makefile is setting PROCESS_OPTIONS in
> it's CFLAGS.  The only other file that can use the PROCESS_OPTIONS setting
> is usr.sbin/tcpdchk.  A grep for PROCESS_OPTIONS for libexec/tcpd (in
> contrib/tcp_wrappers) shows that tcpd.c doesn't use this option.
> Scot

        Thanks Scot.  Ii tried adding PROCESS_OPTIONS in usr.sbin/tcpdchk
and it didn't work either.

CFLAGS+=-DREAL_DAEMON_DIR=\"/usr/libexec\" \
-DHOSTS_ALLOW=\"/etc/hosts.allow\" \

        Any ideas?

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