In order to give some values to compare: I was recently
running an P4 3.06 GHz with Hyperthreading (actually it
was Linux, but I will repeat the tests with current
when I have time for such games :)

Running ubench 0.32 on this HTT enabled machine (i865PE)
showed some interesting details when accessing memory:

ubench (without parameter):
        cpu: 111742, memory: 178587, average: 145164
ubench -s (single cpu):
        cpu: 101993, memory: 135693, average: 118843

With Hyperthreading disabled:
ubench (without parameter):
        cpu: 100878, memory: 133539, average: 117208
ubench -s (single cpu):
        cpu: 102041, memory: 135296, average: 118668

As you can see, the system has an amazingly improved
memory performance when hyperthreading enabled
(about 25%) but the overall calculating speed
increases only about 9%.

Probably you can run ubench on your HTT system
earlier than me and post the results here.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Marco Wertejuk -
Consulting & Internet Solutions
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