> #pciconf -l -v
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:12:0:        class=0x030000 card=0x00000000 chip=0x002d10de 
> rev=0x15 hdr=0x00
>      vendor   = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
>      device   = 'NV5 TNT2 Model 64 / TNT2 Model 64 Pro'
> This is my video card, which sounds just like yours.  I have it working
> fine with the native XFree 'nv' module, but two caveats:

The nv module won't support 3d acceleration. IF you want 3d accel, you
have to use nvidia's binary driver.
> First, once you have installed the driver from NVidia, your /usr/X11
> tree will contain files that prevent the native 'nv' module from working.
> I was never able to figure out which files were responsible so I finally
> deleted the entire /usr/X11 tree and reinstalled everything from scratch.
> Second, you must be very careful which modules you load in your XF86Config.
> There is at least one module which will prevent everything from working--
> unfortuneately I can't remember which one :0(
> Section "Module"
>          Load  "extmod"
>          Load  "xie"
>          Load  "pex5"
>          Load  "dbe"
>          Load  "record"
>          Load  "xtrap"
>          Load  "speedo"
> #       Load  "glx"
>          Load  "type1"
>          Load  "freetype"
> EndSection
> Notice that I have 'glx' commented out -- I think that's the reason I
> did that, but it was a long time ago.

You did it because the nvidia binary drivers require you to.

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