On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 04:58:38PM -0700, John-Mark Gurney wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently started work on making FreeBSD work better on a sparc64
> box that a friend has.  It's a Netra AX1105-500 (UltraSPARC-IIe 500MHz).
> So far I have found out that the pci bus numbering has problems.  We
> don't attach pci busses as they are numbered in the bridge/OFW info.
> This causes problems with pciconf -l and pciconf -{w,r} not agreeing.
> It isn't too hard to tie down the busses to make pciconf agree with
> itself.
> The second problem is that this has two SME2300BGA chips on it.  They
> are combo ebus/usb/1394/ethernet chips.  The problem is that SUN in
> order to only have one ebus on the machine, removed function 0 of the
> device from probing.  This means that the other functions of the pci
> card never get probed.  This can be fixed by making sure we probe all
> the functions on all the devices on the PCI buses.  This then gets the
> second ethernet and USB to probe and attach.
> Of course the correct way to fix it would be to mirror the OFW tree,
> and then probe any devices that exist in the OFW tree, but not in our
> device tree.
> Attached are the two patches to fix both the issues.

> Index: pci.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/pci/pci.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.214
> diff -u -r1.214 pci.c
> --- pci.c     2003/04/16 03:15:08     1.214
> +++ pci.c     2003/06/09 23:35:56
> @@ -825,7 +825,15 @@
>           ("dinfo_size too small"));
>       maxslots = PCIB_MAXSLOTS(pcib); 
>       for (s = 0; s <= maxslots; s++) {
> +#ifdef __sparc64__
> +             /*
> +              * XXX - some sparc hardware has valid hardware when the
> +              * function 0 doesn't probe.  Scan all functions.
> +              */
> +             pcifunchigh = PCI_FUNCMAX;
> +#else
>               pcifunchigh = 0;
> +#endif
>               for (f = 0; f <= pcifunchigh; f++) {
>                       dinfo = pci_read_device(pcib, busno, s, f, dinfo_size);
>                       if (dinfo != NULL) {

This is problematic as it ignores the fact about single function
devices which may react to all function numbers.
What about reverting the logic:
Initialy set pcifunchigh = PCI_FUNCMAX and set pcifunchigh = 0 in case
we catched a single function device.
I don't think it should be sparc specific.

B.Walter                   BWCT                http://www.bwct.de
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