At Sun, 1 Jun 2003 23:33:04 -0700,
David O'Brien wrote:
> I prefer the ln's over cp.  Are you sure this is the only reason for the
> same $MAKEOBJDIR requirement?  Also, typically one sets MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX,
> not MAKEOBJDIR.  Are you sure you're using the right one for what you're
> wanting to do?
Actually, I'm using MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX.  The only thing I want to do is,

o Nightly buildworld in /work/HEAD/src, /work/RELENG_5_0/src and
  /work/RELENG_5_1/src with MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/work/${BRANCH}/obj.
o Use /work/${BRANCH}/{src,obj} for installing the world on the other

But without this patch, I have symlinks like this:

% ls -l /work/RELENG_5_1/obj/work/RELENG_5_1/src/bin/csh/csh.1
lrwxr-xr-x  1 god  god  56 Jun  2 05:40 
/work/RELENG_5_1/obj/work/RELENG_5_1/src/bin/csh/csh.1 -> 

This causes problem when installing on the other box as mounting
/usr/src and /usr/obj.

I'll appreciate if you can teach me how to build absolute-path-free
objdir in another way...

Jun Kuriyama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> // IMG SRC, Inc.
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> // FreeBSD Project
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