On (2003/06/01 00:50), Daniel Eischen wrote:

> > I just built jdk13 a couple of days ago.  No problem whatsoever.  You
> > guys must have rotten karma or something.
> Did you already have a native JDK installed?

I built the native 1.4.1 JDK two weeks ago, first without the native JDK
for bootstrapping, and then with the native JDK.

Both worked without a hitch.

If you're having problems with the build, your input would be
appreciated on freebsd-java.

The absence of credible Java support in FreeBSD has lost us significant
penetration in the past, and it would be disastrous if the perceptions
of the past shaped the future.

FreeBSD now has some seriously committed Java people working hard on the
port, and it'd be a shame if they didn't get to hear about the problem
you've encountered.

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