On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 01:23 AM, Terry Lambert wrote:
Q wrote:I have been burnt by this in the past also. I think that it would be
useful if you could allow kernel modules to be bound to a particular
kernel "version/date/whatever", and have external modules refuse to load
and/or complain if the kernel is upgraded. This should prevent
unnecessary kernel panics when you upgrade. The Linux kernel has been
doing this for years.
The FreeBSD DDI/DKI is not well enough documented, let alone versioned, let alone stable enough over time for this to work.
Consider how long a third party binary-only driver would keep working for someone following -current, and you will see the problem.
I think for current all bets are off anyway. I think supporting a 3rd party
driver should really only "have-to" support releases. Now I may have to re-evaluate
that thought for a stable tree as there is a level of confidence there that everything
else will probably still work... it could be tricky :)
[just scrambling to put the worms back in the can]
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