John Baldwin wrote:
>Please try:
>Index: pci.c
>RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/pci.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.215
>diff -u -r1.215 pci.c
>--- pci.c       31 May 2003 20:34:36 -0000      1.215
>+++ pci.c       2 Jun 2003 20:09:08 -0000
>@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
>        }
>        if (cfg->intpin > 0 && PCI_INTERRUPT_VALID(cfg->intline)) {
>-#ifdef __ia64__
>+#if defined(__ia64__) || (defined(__i386__) && !defined(SMP))
>                /*
>                 * Re-route interrupts on ia64 so that we can get the
>                 * I/O SAPIC interrupt numbers (the BIOS leaves legacy

Works for me. I now have sound without any pciconf commands. Most happy.
(...and I wouldn't have thought to do that there, guess that's why I'm 
not the one with the commit access ).

It does try and route the same LNKx interrupts multiple times, but I guess
that won't matter unless they decide to change.


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