On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 09:32:32AM -0700, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> Dear Hackers, 
> Another release is available for download at
> http://www.geocities.com/m_evmenkin/ngbt-fbsd-20030604.tar.gz
> I am regret to announce that this is probably the last release.
> My company has announced that they will pull out of USA and i
> will most likely loose my job.
> Unless i find another position, i will be forced to return
> back home. If anyone knows/wants to hire a H1B slave please
> drop me a e-mail. I will consider any position within USA
> or even Europe.
> I am *really* sorry :( I will try to do my best and support
> the code, but i can not make any promises at this point.

        Awww :-(

        Someone should probably make you a committer so you can just
        update the Bluetooth code in FreeBSD as you feel like. ;-)
        Hey, thanks for all the good bluetooth work!
                -- Hiten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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