--- Pete Carah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may be just my infamous vaio acting up again,
> but since the 
> recent commit to fxp driver (Monday?) I get a panic
> on device probe
> (page fault in kernel mode).
> That and the way the pccbb act up (always return 0
> for event and
> status register reads, and don't reset pending
> interrupt on event reg
> write) make me think that something is awry with the
> way acpi/pci 
> allocate memory for the device windows.
> I know there is something funny with the aml/asl
> since almost everything
> ends up on irq 9 also...
> I also sometimes see the lock order problem with pcm
> but mostly just missing
> interrupts (choppy sound that comes out slow but in
> the right order).
> PCM is responding to display interrupts...
> -- Pete

I wondered what that crash was on boot-up.  Sometimes
it does boot though!  Anyway...

I also have almost everything on IRQ9.  I'm not sure
its FreeBSD - I think its the Vaio :(  Just checked
Windows 2000 and it lists USB, video, network,
firewire, audio _ALL_ on IRQ9.

Perhaps your pcm problems come from the interrupt not
being delivered at all - try moving a USB mouse while
your audio is playing.  I have a hacky-hack to make my
vaio's audio play normally.  I noticed that since the
audio and usb share an interrupt, moving a USB mouse
gets the pcm interrupt handler called - which results
in normal sound.

Sorry, I don't have my own web page address handy - I
never go there ;)  I'll send it privately.

Chuck McCrobie

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