Peter Wemm wrote:
"Daniel C. Sobral" wrote:

It seems recent current doesn't like my fxp. A current from some 10 hours ago keeps complaining about device timeout and dma timeout. I don't *know* it's fxp fault (for one thing, because it says "unknown"), but...

So, two hours ago, I cvsupped and tried a new world. This one panics on boot, while doing something with fxp (attaching, I think), and doesn't even get me a core dump.

I'll try a new world tomorrow. People tweaking fxp, do please try to get it fixed?

Some details would be useful.  Pencil and paper perhaps?  Serial cable
to another machine and boot -h?

I'll have to see if I can manage a serial cable here. It shouldn't be difficult, I just have never done it before, let alone on this computer, so I don't know what traps I might fall into.

If not that, I'll get at least the functions and the offset of the first few. But not today. Tomorrow, after a new cvsup and a new world. I see there were at least two commits to fxp since my last cvsup.

Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904


No wonder you're tired! You understood so much today.

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