> On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 03:21:13AM +0000, RMH wrote:
> > I have to note that currently it isn't really possible to compile
> > -CURRENT by GCC 2.95.x in the way it has to be. Buildkernel is
> > broken in several places by different means, however GCC 3.2.x
> > passes them successfully, even with no warnings shown.
> Huh??  What do you mean "in the way it has to be"?  We purposely upgraded
> from GCC 2.95.x to 3.2.x and part of that upgrade gave us C99 features.
Well, I probably had to say "in the way it could [should] be". I've
passed through a list of C99 features, but only two things I've
seen implemented in kernel:
a) macros with a variable number of arguments;
b) preprocessor arithmetic done in intmax_t/uintmax_t;
Maybe I've missed a couple of extra ones, but anyway I suppose
they don't make so much difference to put GCC2 into unsupported

> > Namely, first problem is in bsd.kern.mk, because of compiler flag
> > -mno-align-long-strings, which is not supported by 2.95.x. Should
> > be autodetected.
> The patch for doing this?  Since the vast majority of 5-CURRENT's users
> are using the stock 3.2.x compiler, making the kernel build with gcc
> 2.95.x isn't going to be high on our list of things to do.  However, this
> doesn't prevent you from making a committable patch.
It isn't a problem to export an extra variable and make it known
to bsd.kern.mk; the question is, do we want GCC2 to be a supported
compiler for -CURRENT or not? If not, all efforts to that way make
no sense...

> > Second problem is periods in two macros of sys/eventhandler.h,
> > that broke depend:
> >
> > #define EVENTHANDLER_FAST_INVOKE(name, ...)
> > #define EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(name, ...)
> >
> > Might be fixed in the way like:
> >
> > #define EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(name, arg1, arg2, arg3)
> We can certainly put in a #ifdef detection on the GCC version.  Please
> submit a patch for this and the other nits you point out.
Actually I've explained it all before. Those two macros with
variable arguments have to be changed towards fixed arguments,
__VA_ARGS__ should be replaced with some substitute (out of my
present knowledge, so I used NULL), plus "%j" and [u]intmax_t.
In other words, #ifdef detection isn't enough, we should
decide are C99 features so important to break compatibility,
or we can live without them.


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