
For a long time with FreeBSD 4.X we ran and still run a bunch of
diskless stations, X11 Terminals, some special workstations and
now a growing system with several nodes for usage as PVM.

Now I want to switch to FreeBSD 5.0 and run into massive problems.
I searched for similar problems in the archive and groups.google,
but I did not find any appropriate.
Hope someone can help.

The environment is really simple. All diskless machines uses PXE
to bootstrap. In FreeBSD 4.7 this environment works perfect (and ist
is still working), but in FreeBSD 5.0 I get into trouble.

I want first to describe the environment.

Each class of machines has its own full FreeBSD-4/5 installation.
Within ist root-path, there is a populated /etc and a populated
/conf. /conf has three main entries: /conf/base, /conf/default and
As I understand the diskless boot process in FreeBSD 4.X, at first
a memory disc is created, then the stuff in /etc/ is copied to that
RAM disc, executed and then the process does a kind of hierarchy
overlay by unifying /etc with /conf/base with /conf/default
and at last with /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY and executes then the on
top remaining config files (sorry about my English). That means:
the most specific system configs are in /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY
and get executed.

This seems to have changed in 5.0 as there is only the /conf/default
and /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY left. /conf/base has gone. But nevertheless,
this should work, but does not!
When booting a FBSD 5.0 client without a populated /etc directory but
with a well populated /conf/defaults/etc directory, it fails.
It also fails when populating /etc and delete those files which are
in /conf/default/etc. Putting all the stuff in /etc forces the client to
do things it should do, but this is not the way it should be and
its not the way as it is decribed (rarely) in the docs I found and as I
expect this in FreeBSD 4.7 (where this scheme works like a charme).

This seems to be the first problem I can not figure out. What is the
hierarchy of /etc and /conf/defaults/etc in FBSD 5.0 now? How can I
keep my config files in sync without copying all the stuff again from
/conf/default/etc to /etc (which breaks the config scheme, I think)?

When the kernel has been bootstraped and started , the first thing is
it moans about a non writeable root partition. This also does not
change when exporting the root partition as read/writeable on the server
(doing a killall -HUP mountd ...).
I also use the rc_ng="YES"-scheme.

The kernel has options NFS_ROOT and MD_ROOT and also options md for the
memory disc compiled in. The only problem is that in the clients /dev
directory is no appropriate md0* node, I can not create it via MAKEDEV all
in this directory and I wonder whether this is needed.

Can anyone help? Has someone a runnng diskless FBSD 5.0-R/5-CURRENT

Thanks in advance,


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

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