I found on tty0 the following backtrace. I infer, because it died in malloc, that it has something to do with netisr problem. I had to copy it by hand. backtrace(c04b7645,4,1,0,c40be100) at backtrace+0x17 malloc(3c,c050fca0,4,c1531300,d67e6c78) at malloc+0x5b mtag_alloc(0,e,30,4,c151ac00) at mtag_alloc+0x2f ip6_addaux(c1531300,d6706cbc,c037b09c,c1531300,c151ac00) at ip6_addaux+0x59 ip6_setdstifaddr(c1531300,c151ac00,d6te6cbc,c02d2480,c057a254) at ip6_setdstifaddr+0x11 ip6_input(c1531300,0,c04c0a40,e9,c1513ac00) at ip6_input+0x78c swi_net(0,0,c04b672f,217,c15209ec) at swi_net+0x112 ithread_loop(c151f200,d67e6048,c04b65ac,35f,0) at ithread_loop+0x182 fork_exit(c02c95e0,c151f200,d67e6048) at fork_exit+0xc4 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x1a --- trap 0x1, eip=0, esp=0xd67e6d7c, ebp=0 --- -- Derek Tattersall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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