David O'Brien wrote:
> > Here is a single patch vs. 5.x.
> >
> > I believe this makes it actually work.
>    ^^^^^^^^^
>    huh?  This is untested?

Will you accept interoperability between two FreeBSD boxes?  A
FreeBSD box and a NetBSD box?

> > Please apply this to the code, even if you are intent on putting
> > working code in the Attic.
> Why keep it?  You've just proven that even one with a desire has trouble
> determining if it works or not.

No, I've just implied that I don't personally have the ability
to put together an interoperability test bed that tests against
non-FreeBSD boxes, without a lot of effort.

Is FreeBSD/FreeBSD interoperability acceptable?

It's like posting a driver for a SCSI card that was written
from the specifications, without a card in hand.

Except that his code is *already* in the tree, so it's not
like I'm asking anyone to commit anything that doesn't at
least make the status quo better.

For heaven's sake!  *It has only been 3 days* since the code
was threatened!  What do you expect *in 3 days*!?!

-- Terry

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