* De: Hiten Pandya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [ Data: 2003-03-01 ]
        [ Subjecte: Possible patch for limiting APs at startup ]
> Hello.
> Just as the topic says, do you think this patch is good enough, or gets
> even close to it?  I have tested the patch, and it seems to do it's job
> in the right way.  Some might call it hackery, but it's better than
> nothing I would suppose.

I think your use of "cpus" to refer to APs only is silly, and also that
overriding mp_naps instead of using a real cpus value and using it as
a bounds check akin to MAXCPU, is a bit of the wrong direction.  As you
know, the following is my patch, and it does not work, but I think,
personally, the behaviour is saner, in theory at least :)

Index: mp_machdep.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/i386/mp_machdep.c,v
retrieving revision 1.203
diff -d -c -r1.203 mp_machdep.c
*** mp_machdep.c        24 Feb 2003 14:36:03 -0000      1.203
--- mp_machdep.c        2 Mar 2003 00:22:58 -0000
*** 249,254 ****
--- 249,259 ----
  /** XXX FIXME: what system files declare these??? */
  extern struct region_descriptor r_gdt, r_idt;
+ int   mp_maxcpus = 0;         /* max CPUs; not in BSS so it can be hacked. */
+ TUNABLE_INT("machdep.smp_max_cpus", &mp_maxcpus);
+ SYSCTL_INT(_machdep, OID_AUTO, smp_max_cpus, CTLFLAG_RD,
+          &mp_maxcpus, 1, "Maximum number of CPUs to use.");
  int   bsp_apic_ready = 0;     /* flags useability of BSP apic */
  int   mp_naps;                /* # of Applications processors */
  int   mp_nbusses;             /* # of busses */
*** 864,874 ****
!       /* qualify the numbers */
!       if (mp_naps > MAXCPU) {
                printf("Warning: only using %d of %d available CPUs!\n",
!                       MAXCPU, mp_naps);
!               mp_naps = MAXCPU;
        /* See if we need to fixup HT logical CPUs. */
--- 869,881 ----
!       /* use the smallest number of requested CPUs or CPUs we support. */
!       if ((mp_maxcpus > 0 && mp_naps > mp_maxcpus) || mp_naps > MAXCPU) {
!               if (mp_maxcpus <= 0)
!                       mp_maxcpus = MAXCPU;
                printf("Warning: only using %d of %d available CPUs!\n",
!                       mp_maxcpus, mp_naps);
!               mp_naps = mp_maxcpus;
        /* See if we need to fixup HT logical CPUs. */

Juli Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - AIM: BSDFlata -- IRC: juli on EFnet
OpenDarwin, Mono, FreeBSD Developer - ircd-hybrid Developer, EFnet addict
FreeBSD on MIPS-Anything on FreeBSD - /* XXX Nothing to see here, now. */

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