
Several seconds into background fsck, this happens.  It's easily
repeatable by enabling background fsck and booting after an unclean

Kernel is 2003-02-19 from source checked out on that day (SMP).
The filesystems are UFS1 with softupdates.

panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entry, addr: c7c65000
cpuid = 0; lapic.id = 00000000
Stack backtrace:
backtrace(c03185a5,0,c0325e37,d280258c,1) at backtrace+0x17
panic(c0325e37,c7c65000,2,d2802638,d2802628) at panic+0x10a
vm_fault(c082f000,c7c65000,2,0,c3908690) at vm_fault+0x1073
trap_pfault(d2802724,0,c7c65000,1db,c7c65000) at trap_pfault+0x161
trap(d2800018,d2800010,c3920010,c7c65000,0) at trap+0x3cd
calltrap() at calltrap+0x5
--- trap 0xc, eip = 0xc02da907, esp = 0xd2802764, ebp = 0xd2802a3c ---
generic_bzero(c38f7000,80be140,70,1000,3e5428db) at generic_bzero+0xf
ffs_mount(c38f7000,c3a4c800,bfbffcc0,d2802bec,c3908690) at ffs_mount+0x638
vfs_mount(c3908690,c385e230,c3a4c800,1211000,bfbffcc0) at vfs_mount+0x83a
mount(c3908690,d2802d10,c032ba37,407,4) at mount+0xb8
syscall(2f,2f,2f,0,bfbffdc0) at syscall+0x28e
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x1d
--- syscall (21), eip = 0x805636b, esp = 0xbfbffc0c, ebp = 0xbfbffd48 ---
Stopped at      Debugger+0x55:  xchgl   %ebx,in_Debugger.0
db> call boot
panic: bremfree: bp 0xc75ab978 not locked
cpuid = 0; lapic.id = 00000000
boot() called on cpu#0
Uptime: 2m43s
Dumping 191 MB


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