Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     Make sure your NFS server is exporting to your subnet and that
>     it is running the necessary services, (portmap, mountd, nfsd -t
>     -u -n 4). 

My boot server is 5.0, so that's the kernel my diskless box gets.  My
other boxes are 4.x boxes but I'll try.   

4.x's portmap is now 5.x's rpcbind; other processes seem fine too:

   41  ??  IL     0:00.00  (nfsiod 0)
   42  ??  IL     0:00.00  (nfsiod 1)
   43  ??  IL     0:00.00  (nfsiod 2)
   44  ??  IL     0:00.00  (nfsiod 3)
  276  ??  Ss     0:00.08 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
  339  ??  Is     0:00.08 /usr/sbin/mountd -r
  345  ??  Is     0:00.02 nfsd: master (nfsd)
  347  ??  I      2:03.22 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  348  ??  I      0:12.20 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  349  ??  I      0:06.56 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  350  ??  I      0:02.03 nfsd: server (nfsd)

> If you have another box that you can boot normally (not netboot),
> test the NFS server from that box by mounting / and /usr:
>     other# mount /mnt

I believe I tried mounting a 4.x volume onto the diskless 5.0 box and
it failed in the same way.  I didn't take careful notes so I'll

I can mount the 5.0 boot server's /usr onto a 4.7S client with no

  thanatos(4.7S)# mount /mnt
  thanatos(4.7S)# mount
  /dev/da0s1a on / (ufs, local)
  /dev/da0s1e on /tmp (ufs, local)
  /dev/da0s1g on /usr (ufs, NFS exported, local)
  /dev/da0s1d on /usr/local (ufs, NFS exported, local)
  /dev/da0s1f on /var (ufs, local)
  procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
  linprocfs on /usr/compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local)
  /dev/da0s1h on /home.THANATOS (ufs, local)
  pectopah:/home on /home (nfs)
  pectopah:/usr/local on /usr/localnew (nfs)
  pectopah:/usr/X11R6 on /usr/local/X11R6 (nfs) on /mnt (nfs)

The name pectopah is the addr and is the 5.0 NFS

So, it seems it's something broken on my 5.0 NFS client's side.  But I
can mount a 4.7S-exported filesystem onto my 5.0 boot-server so at
least its mount_nfs is OK:

  /sbin/mount_nfs /mnt

>     It is also possible that someone has broken something in NFS
>     recently.  The -current I am running (which works fine as
>     a server for my EPIA 5000 and EPIA M 9000) is several weeks 
>     old.

Hmmm, how could I check this out? I'm happy to do testing and provide

>     If your /usr partition is on / on your server (i.e. not 
>     its own partition), then remember to use the -alldirs option
>     in /etc/exports for / and /usr.  If /usr is on its own
>     partition you don't need -alldirs unless you are trying to
>     mount a subdirectory in / or /usr.  You *might* need -alldirs
>     on your / export.  In anycase, I always set -alldirs on all
>     my read-only exports and that is what I would recommend you
>     do too.

I've removed the readonly flags until I get this working.  I have
separate / and /usr partitions; here's my 5.0 boot-server's
/etc/exports file (Kitchen is the diskless box :-)

  /usr/local      -alldirs -maproot=root  Sisyphus Thanatos Beatnik Kitchen
  /usr            -alldirs -maproot=root  Sisyphus Thanatos Beatnik Kitchen
  /home                    -maproot=root  Sisyphus Thanatos Beatnik Kitchen

And the dhcpd.conf which told the diskless client where to get it's
"/" partition from (and that is successful):

        host {
                hardware ethernet       00:40:63:c3:89:bb;
                fixed-address ;
                filename                "pxeboot";
                option root-path        "";

Am I correct that I only need to have "mount_nfs" on the diskless
client, that I do NOT need an rpcbind running on the diskless client
before issuing the mount? Since pxeboot (?) mounts / via NFS, I'm not
understanding why mount_nfs can't. 

Thanks again.

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